Revenant Consecration
Revenant Consecration
Ok im sure this will be flamed, but I really love the Revenant Consecration's that are for a demon race. It would be great to see something like "Race-only" areas that area riddles or challenges , but this is not my idea what im talking about, thats something for another day
. What i do want to address is, its been driving me crazy finding the RC's and going through ive found most by chance. I think the RC's should have at least a hint on to where to find them. I know the fetish related has something to do with the area they are in, but looking at some, its really impossible to tell. I think the challenge of it is finding the ingrediants for all the fetish's , and with hints finding the places, it becomes more fun the it does frustrating. <points to the hair that ive pulled out looking for the Bone RC> Ok well thats just my two cents.

I think the idea here is that as former avatars, demons can reasonably be expected to literally canvass the ENTIRE REALMS for these areas. That's right, every single room in every single area.
You're probably thinking, "That's easy for him to say; he knows where they all are." The problem with that is that you'd be wrong. I still don't know where all the RC links are. I purposely kept myself in the dark when they were going in, and I had to quit playing my demon character early on to do other things. I found four or so of them on my own by doing EXACTLY what I described above.
It CAN be done!
You're probably thinking, "That's easy for him to say; he knows where they all are." The problem with that is that you'd be wrong. I still don't know where all the RC links are. I purposely kept myself in the dark when they were going in, and I had to quit playing my demon character early on to do other things. I found four or so of them on my own by doing EXACTLY what I described above.
It CAN be done!
i cheated to find them. but i didn't cheat solving them. and i like to see parts of areas limited to certain races just not complete areas unaccessable to anyone not of the right race
divebomb's been doing that to his areas already. i think it makes them more interesting.

*Unicorn hoofprint sparkling from glittering faerie-dust*
Yeah i didn't cheat so much, just got some hints for the last few rc's. But i searched every room in prospective areas, sometimes missing them, sometimes finding them, and sometimes being in the wrong area. ITs the point you get the clue to the RC and have to hunt for it, like your own little treasure chest, only the treasure chest might kill you in the end 

"Anima Sana In Corpore Sano"
LOL, well see? Ive found id say at least almost 3/4's of the RCs...but ive been trying to get hints for maybe one or two, but well I dont know how to find a hint or even ask for one. I dont want to come out and say" Well im looking for the bone fetish entrence, where is it? Id rather at least explore and look on my own with maybe a minor hint, but I really think they should be implemented into the demon character on the mud. Maybe could be like a help rumors but for demons. *shrug* just a thought.
help rumors for demons might be cute
As for race-specific areas, builders have some control over this. There are "love race" and "hate race" for mobs. If you make a mob "love kender", then they will be aggro for all other races. There are also other tricks to assure that an area can be reached only by a certain race.
I am currently working on an area that has several "mini-areas". Each of these mini-areas are race-specific. Some of them can be accessed by other races, but they will not be able to accomplish much inside. Althought these mini-areas comprise a relatively small portion of my area as a whole, they will be very difficult to solve and a lot of fun to explore (at least i hope so).
As for race-specific areas, builders have some control over this. There are "love race" and "hate race" for mobs. If you make a mob "love kender", then they will be aggro for all other races. There are also other tricks to assure that an area can be reached only by a certain race.
I am currently working on an area that has several "mini-areas". Each of these mini-areas are race-specific. Some of them can be accessed by other races, but they will not be able to accomplish much inside. Althought these mini-areas comprise a relatively small portion of my area as a whole, they will be very difficult to solve and a lot of fun to explore (at least i hope so).
The stars brightly shine upon our world, a constant reminder of our origin. We are stars.
If RC gets touched at all, it will only be to do one of the following:
1) Relocate the areas and screw everyone up.
2) Take advantage of new code that goes in.
3) Make it harder.
It will never be easier than it is right now.
I don't think there's enough for demons alone that merits a help rumors (without giving too much away).
1) Relocate the areas and screw everyone up.
2) Take advantage of new code that goes in.
3) Make it harder.
It will never be easier than it is right now.

I don't think there's enough for demons alone that merits a help rumors (without giving too much away).
Fine art is the only teacher except torture.
- George Bernard Shaw
- George Bernard Shaw
i have found 10 of the 12 RCs, i cant seem to find the Head or Bone fetish RC's but hey, isnt that supposed to be the point? btw, i'd just like to say that the blood fetish is a piece of crap. it may help when you are getting your butt kicked by a mob 10-20 levels above you, but seriously, i havent even used it once. another thing, dive, the witch fetish is one HELL of a puzzling challenge, good work on that. a rumors for demons would be cool, but not if it gave hints as to the locations of the RC's, maybe make the rumors something to do with the best mobs to kill, or where the best xp can be gained.
I am happy to let girls indulge themselves using my body.
The blood fetish does look cool doesnt it? In addition to looking cool, think of it as having access to a spell that isnt really existant anymore, even if you think its useless. And an update, Ive found all 12 RC locations finnaly, but i have yet to solve more 4 or 5 of them. I have to admit I think its really cool to have these, puzzles like these add a really fun element to the mud and i think it would be great to see more of these in teh future for demons or any other race.