wet, slimy area input

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wet, slimy area input

Post by Faustus »

Alright, time to breathe some life into this forum...

I'm doing some planning for the next area I'll be writing, and I'm going to write. I'll be doing a complete, from-the-ground-up overhaul of the sewers (because frankly, that area sucks big time). As I work on the area, I'd like to make it much more than just and end in itself. I'd like to work in connections for other future areas that people willing to go exploring through the sewer tunnels, such as cave complexes and the like. I've already got some idea for possilbe expansions off of the sewers, but I though I'd see if anyone else has some good suggestions to include in this "web" of areas. (Or if you have any good suggestions of small zones to include as part os the sewer area itself, those are welcome too...) Granted, there's no guarantee that any of the suggestions that come through here, but the more ideas we get, the more there is to work with...

Also, here's the chance for those of you who toyed with the idea of writing an area, but never gotten around to strating one to show us what you've got. If you think you might like to help expand off of this new sewer area, let me know, and we'll see if we can work your area into the plans. Remember, the more people we have contributing to the areas on Barren Realms, the faster we'll grow...
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Post by Nyteshade »

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Post by Everybody »

As far as existing areas, I'd certainly like to see the sewers connect out to the swamps, some. I mean, a sewer has to drain somewhere. Unfortunately, Old Marsh and Blood Swamp seem a bit far to be immediately connecting them to the sewers... However, the swamp in Mahn-Tor would be a possibility. Or, for caves, Moria seems a decent connection at some point in it.
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Post by Lairian »

It would make sense in my mind for the sewers to outlet in the underground lake (fly area) of moria, near where it hooks up to Land of the Fire Newts. It's a nearby underground body of water with ickiness and bugs. Can't go wrong.

Are you maintaining the current level of the sewers, or changing it, or extending it up or down in any way? That would really be a big part of where you want us to let our minds go on this. Are we picking on little rats with mange and epilepsy, 15' cocodiles, or *shudders* making it more a 45 70 area with New York rats?

A thieves' den would make sense to hook up to in there, possably with a Kender trainer. I mean, those two really annoying theives in Calathar have to be coming from somewhere, and I really doubt it's the Astral Plane.

I've seen that there's an Underdark area under construction. It would make sense to stick a connection to that down there.
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Post by Slart »

I don't know if it's *quite* medieval enough a setting, but I think an area based on/similar to the book "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman might fit there niftily...
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Post by Joysinger »

i don't know how well this would serve as an area, but a secret assassin/thief guild hideout (possibly smugglers?) sort of thing could work nicely :)
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Post by DevilsAngel »

As long as Faustus doesn't hide 2 agro hardly able to deafeat mobs around one of the turns like he did in clockwork in those tunnels it will be great!! *grins at Faustus*
I don't know how you guys would like this idea, but what about an atlantis area hidden down under the tunnels and caves. Sort of like in the cartoon that Disney did, though it was under an ocean.......rivers are sorta like oceans...... :shock:
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Post by Divebomb »

I think there are better locations that the sewers, but the idea is loverly. :)
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Post by Faustus »

Joysinger wrote:i don't know how well this would serve as an area, but a secret assassin/thief guild hideout (possibly smugglers?) sort of thing could work nicely :)

Don't worry... this has been part of the plan as a small portion of the sewers from the start.
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Post by Brodgar »

I've always loved sewers, ever since my first newbie mort days. It was my insect garden. I think it has a wonderfully done, confusing yet mappable layout. I really enjoyed exploring it and fighting there, and yet, its always needed desperately to be redone. There is no eq down there to draw players, and that dragon while warned about, seems incongrously difficult for the area.

It even has some interesting places for story line, the treasure room, the secret room with the orb etc. I think what it really needs is for the room descriptions to be more detailed, eq overhaul, and some touches to mobs. But the layout, all the hidden sections/rooms makes for fun exploring. I'd hate to lose what makes the area so interesting as part of the redo.

If you do go ahead and write it from scratch, please, please keep the feel of the secret and hidden passages and rooms etc.

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Post by Croplin »

maybe it could have a connections with Perelandrias sewer system.. a very looong sewer-pipe. I also think it should end out in the Calathar River.. so one entrance from there. And... id love if it would be possible to get inside the bankvault of calathar from the sewers, makes sense since there are thieves and such down in the sewers. I remember when I started mud at BR i went down into the sewers just by that reason.
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Post by disaster »

i'd like ot see a connection from the alandran sewers too, if for no other reason than that too many people get renamed vehicles stuck in alandra.
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wet, slimy area input

Post by Anavrinman »

How about adding a water filtration area or something where you find a bunch of dead goldfish or something to fight. Make it so there's somewhere (like a net or something) that you could find random objects (armor, potions, food [would you really want to eat it?], etc.), gold deposits, and things that people generally throw down into the sewer (I dug up civil war priveys for a year in high school, you wouldn't believe what people throw down the toilet... :shock: ).

just a thought
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Sewage character

Post by redeemer »

Can we get a big mean Lizard and the "Swamp thing" in the sewer as mobs? That would be wonderful!

Also, is there a way to connect the sewer to the tunnel thing going to the Great Eastern Desert?

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