I do think that the continents should be separate entities, as well- not walkable areas from recall. We talk so often about the dangers and problems of botting and the blandness of making a path and then just repeating with other characters that it would be imperative for the "continent" concept to add another dimension to the game. Not necessarily difficulty (though that would be nice, too) but more intriguing ways to navigate the BR world.
I don't know if this has been discussed before, but the use of portals, as well as seas to travel, could be an interesting addition. I love the idea of having a portal such as the one in RHPS that you would have to figure out how to use it or that a story would go along with it. After playing BG Dark Alliance, mebbe I'm a little portal-happy, but I think it could be well-integrated into the continent system.
And, just for my two cents, I'm not a big fan of the idea of putting all of BR under one specific theme. BR is what it is- a complex and interesting world that does not fit into any category except fantasy. The imagination that has been put into this game is too broad and diverse to discredit it by lumping it under one heading. Our home city is Calathar, and it would be more interesting to have lumps of "nations" onto one continent that one could navigate either by the seas or by portals into other lands. Avalon could be a continent (Camelot, etc.), Ancient Mesopotamia/Persia/Whathaveyou (Arabian Nights, etc.)... and so on.
And we also don't want to compromise the areas that don't fall under "fantasy" but are favorites- RHPS, Cage and Aquarium... sense of humor is part of what makes BR so great

Sorry that this was such a long post!!