Continent Theme

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Post by Eviene »

Lovemonkeys... that's my vote ;)

I do think that the continents should be separate entities, as well- not walkable areas from recall. We talk so often about the dangers and problems of botting and the blandness of making a path and then just repeating with other characters that it would be imperative for the "continent" concept to add another dimension to the game. Not necessarily difficulty (though that would be nice, too) but more intriguing ways to navigate the BR world.

I don't know if this has been discussed before, but the use of portals, as well as seas to travel, could be an interesting addition. I love the idea of having a portal such as the one in RHPS that you would have to figure out how to use it or that a story would go along with it. After playing BG Dark Alliance, mebbe I'm a little portal-happy, but I think it could be well-integrated into the continent system.

And, just for my two cents, I'm not a big fan of the idea of putting all of BR under one specific theme. BR is what it is- a complex and interesting world that does not fit into any category except fantasy. The imagination that has been put into this game is too broad and diverse to discredit it by lumping it under one heading. Our home city is Calathar, and it would be more interesting to have lumps of "nations" onto one continent that one could navigate either by the seas or by portals into other lands. Avalon could be a continent (Camelot, etc.), Ancient Mesopotamia/Persia/Whathaveyou (Arabian Nights, etc.)... and so on.

And we also don't want to compromise the areas that don't fall under "fantasy" but are favorites- RHPS, Cage and Aquarium... sense of humor is part of what makes BR so great :D

Sorry that this was such a long post!!

Evi :twisted:
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Post by Everybody »

We have actually integrated portals into the game in a limited extent. Check out Clanghammer and Lershar, especially, to see them at work.
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Post by Eviene »

I've definitely traveled through those areas to check them out... I only meant them as a possible solution to the traveling between continent discussion. If there were a story behind them being placed or if you had to solve a puzzle to figure out what manner to use the portal in- something like that :D
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Post by Stars »

Better to have some sort of random problem to solve, one that changes every couple ticks or so. Perhaps we could employ some sort of question and answer thing. You see, the problem with having to solve a problem in this game is that once someone figures it out, then it is never a problem again. They will tell a bunch of people, and it would be like the problem never existed.

But honestly, I don't think this is necessary. Just having an ocean that requires some kind of boat to cross is good enough. Have some warnings around that explain the new continent is dangerous for beginners.

Still, having some kind of trivia game as a puzzle would be neat. You cannot pass this door unless you answer this riddle...(of course this would require "no-pass" doors *hint* *hint*).
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Post by disaster »

it is possible, with a few interesting little tricks, to design nearly anything you can imagine for an area with the new teleporters. i don't think they should be over used, and i think stoping that may be somewhat difficult, but some limited and creative use of them allows for some very interesting possibilities. i still think that no-pass doors would be a nice addition, if used sporadicly. the door to a farmer's hut should be passable and probably pickable, if even locked at all, but the ancient stone covered in powerful runes which blocks the way into the depths of hell would most likely contain enough magical energy to stop people from simply passing through it.
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Post by Joysinger »

i'd like everything on the new continent to be untrackable. i'd also like
!pass door flags. no teleport/astral would also be great. for the whole thing.

i also think it'd be cool if you could quit anywhere on the continent, but if you did, you'd restart at recall, like mentioned before. :) (ok, maybe a special place in the main town/area of the continent instead of recall)

and maybe recalling itself should only be possible when you haven't wandered too far into the continent, as well.

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Post by Divebomb »

I think astral is ok when used from within the continent to someone else in the continent. If this plays out the way i imagine it, i could see people getting separated by accident and using summon/astral to bring a group back together within the continent would be fair.

I agree on no-teleport at all though.

By the way, has anyone brought up who should be allowed on the continent? mortals and heros or just mortals? I don't feel like re-reading the thread.
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Post by Lairian »

I'd like to ask that teleport be allowed, even if it's only to other players (to a mob could cause an automissteleport if you want to be cranky). I get seperated from my group just as much as druids due, as both of us really have to be drunk to keep pace with kenders/humans/d0rfs, and often it's safer to teleport to them rather than wandering about the area which obviously has big nasties in it since it's worth wandering about in a group in.

Long sentance...but, is there a way to limit teleport to players only within the code? I'd say add a spec_noport to the code, and stick it on all the mobs on the new continent, but I have a feeling it would get quickly abused...

edit: within areas not on the new continent where the spec was not intended to be.
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Post by Divebomb »

Long sentance...but, is there a way to limit teleport to players only within the code? I'd say add a spec_noport to the code, and stick it on all the mobs on the new continent, but I have a feeling it would get quickly abused...
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Post by Lairian »

Okay, can be done, but I shall rephrase:

Could it be done with enough ease to make it worth Slart's time?
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Post by Everybody »

If it was going to happen, it'd be in a room flag which we'd probably have to code in anyways (to allow summon and astral to target only players on the continent). I'm not sure how much expandability we have as far as room flags go right now, though.
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Post by disaster »

as a long time elf, i've got to object. elves have crappy hitting power, are extreamly mana dependant, and have only two advantages, teleport and enchant (enchant being minimal now a days, since there are so many level 50 elves that give them out, and now you're suggesting taking away that one main advantage and turning it into a crappier version of astral (crappier in that it takes more mana to cast).
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Post by Divebomb »

Last time i played in a group with an elf (I was a kender), the elf was doing about 5 times as much damage as I was...

If you're talking the continent, it's supposed to be group oriented too, i thought, which means the elf brings abilities like faerie fire, mass invis, blind, etc. You don't necessarily need him to hit.

If I were to write an area for the continent, i would make sure no solo player could move through it. If the continent isnt intended as being group-oriented then i misunderstood the very nature and find very little difference between it and the rest of BR.
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Post by Joysinger »

i like the roomflag idea that doesn't allow players to not track, etc., any mob inside the flagged room. specially if it meant you could still track other players inside an area (or else).

as far as group orientated:
i thought it could/would be used to be both? areas that can only be conquered with groups, or big inbuild riddles/quests? pretty much meant as a challenge for the experienced player.

i think it'd be nice if it had both. things (=areas?) you could do alone (not always easy to find a group, specially not for players who differ from usual time-zones) and things you could solo. maybe even some areas that hold both options.

i'm aware that you could always make a small group by using two of your own chars, but i don't think that works as well as having several players with good playing skills working together. i feel it would be nice if you could conquer part of it by yourself, just in case you don't find anyone who wants to come die with ya :) (not talking about the _whole_ continent as being soloable, hope i made that clear)
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Post by disaster »

i'm willing to bet that the elf who was hitting 5 times harder was doing so with spells, which as i pointed out, are mana dependant and thus a serious barrier to quick levelling. i agree, they make elves and druids powerful short term fighters, for as long as their mana lasts, but as any avian/dwarf/kender can prove, slow and steady wins the race. i'm also betting you weren't including bs nor taint in that calculation.
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