help me figure this out

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help me figure this out

Post by ducci »

i'm really scratching my head over this one. is this some kind of bug with the speco?

<4398/4398hp 248/407m 1689725tnl 1138g 886>e
A black S2 Lotus Elise carries you east.
On a Trail outside of a Clearing
[Exits: south west out ]
This path winds through the trees and ends at a sizeable clearing to the
south. Sunlight fills the clearing and a few beams of brightness fall
upon the soft earth where you stand. From the south, the sound of
feminine laughter is audible. The giggling fades in and out in an
almost mystical fashion.
A black S2 Lotus Elise in which you are sitting.
You see a trail of glowing footprints leading south.
You see the inside of a black S2 Lotus Elise.

<4398/4398hp 248/407m 1689725tnl 1138g 886>s
You have reached the end of the trail you were following!
A black S2 Lotus Elise carries you south.
Sylph Glade
[Exits: north east south out ]
A clearing sits here deep within the heart of the forest. The grass
underfoot is soft and well manicured, but it appears that the grass has
grown this way naturally with no outside care. A aura of magic
permeates the air of this glade. A few motes of light seem to float
through the air along with several humanoid shapes. To the north, a
path leads through the trees that surround the clearing.
A black S2 Lotus Elise in which you are sitting.
(Flying) (Translucent) A glowing female figure floats through the clearing.
(Flying) (Translucent) A mysterious female shape hovers in the air of the cleari
You see the inside of a black S2 Lotus Elise.

<4398/4398hp 248/407m 1689725tnl 1138g 886>hold green
You stop using a narrow wooden rod.
You hold an irregular piece of green glass in your hands.

<4398/4398hp 248/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 886>k figure
You start fighting a beautiful sylph.
Your claw <-<-<*** DISCOMBOBULATES ***>->-> a beautiful sylph!
A beautiful sylph just got her a diaphanous cloak smashed!
A beautiful sylph is DEAD!!
PUHLEESE! And I guess you want experience too!!!
You receive 0 experience points.
A beautiful sylph's arm is severed from her dead body and drops to the ground,
with fingers twitching in death's reflex.
It is pitch black ...
I see no corpse here.

<4398/4398hp 248/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>equ
You are using:
<used as light> proof against dogs
<worn on finger> You are not sure.
<worn on finger> You are not sure.
<worn around neck> You are not sure.
<worn around neck> You are not sure.
<worn on head> You are not sure.
<worn on legs> You are not sure.
<worn on hands> You are not sure.
<worn on arms> You are not sure.
<held in offhand> You are not sure.
<worn on wrist> You are not sure.
<worn on wrist> You are not sure.
<wielded> You are not sure.
<held> You are not sure.

<4398/4398hp 248/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>inv
You are carrying:
(Invis) ambrosia
(Glowing) a thin, blaze orange potion

<4398/4398hp 248/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>aff

It starts to rain lightly.

<4398/4398hp 253/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>-------------------------------------
Spells: You are affected by no spells.
Conditions: You are immune to hunger and thirst.
Position: You are standing.

<4398/4398hp 253/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>inv
You are carrying:
(Invis) ambrosia
(Glowing) a thin, blaze orange potion

<4398/4398hp 253/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>who
[ 50 Avi M ] Ducci-Ducci
You see 1 mortal playing.

<4398/4398hp 253/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>l
It is pitch black ...

<4398/4398hp 253/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>w
You bump into a wall.

<4398/4398hp 253/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>l
It is pitch black ...

<4398/4398hp 253/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>who
[ 50 Avi M ] Ducci-Ducci
You see 1 mortal playing.

<4398/4398hp 253/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>out
get lotus
You climb out of something.
It is pitch black ...

<4398/4398hp 253/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>I see no lotus here.

<4398/4398hp 253/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>get all
I see nothing here.

<4398/4398hp 253/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>
Someone tells you 'blah'.

<4398/4398hp 253/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>
Something decays into dust.

<4398/4398hp 258/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>inv
You are carrying:
(Invis) ambrosia
(Glowing) a thin, blaze orange potion

<4398/4398hp 258/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>
A small spark of light jumps up into someone's inventory.
A small spark of light spits on someone and jumps back down to the ground.

<4398/4398hp 258/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>
A small spark of light jumps up into someone's inventory.
A small spark of light spits on someone and jumps back down to the ground.

<4398/4398hp 258/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>
A small spark of light jumps up into someone's inventory.
A small spark of light spits on someone and jumps back down to the ground.

<4398/4398hp 258/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>quaff potion
You quaff ambrosia.
You can't do that.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<4398/4398hp 258/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>
A small spark of light jumps up into someone's inventory.
A small spark of light spits on someone and jumps back down to the ground.

<4398/4398hp 258/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>quaff potion
You quaff a thin, blaze orange potion.
Your cells return to normal.
You can now absorb some forms of energy.
A small spark of light jumps up into someone's inventory.
A small spark of light spits on someone and jumps back down to the ground.

<4398/4398hp 258/447m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>aff

A small spark of light jumps up into your inventory.
A small spark of light knocks off something, sending it to the ground, and
takes its place upon you.
You stop using proof against dogs.
You light a small spark of light and hold it.

<4298/4298hp 258/307m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>-------------------------------------
Spells: You are affected by
'energy containment', which modifies save vs spell by -3 for 16 hours.
Conditions: You are immune to hunger and thirst.
Position: You are standing.

<4298/4298hp 258/307m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>l
Sylph Glade
[Exits: north east south]
A clearing sits here deep within the heart of the forest. The grass
underfoot is soft and well manicured, but it appears that the grass has
grown this way naturally with no outside care. A aura of magic
permeates the air of this glade. A few motes of light seem to float
through the air along with several humanoid shapes. To the north, a
path leads through the trees that surround the clearing.
(Humming) Set in a bronze frame that follows its odd curves, a green
looking glass gives insight into the objects seen through it.
A pile of gold coins.
The sliced-off arm of a beautiful sylph is lying here.
A customized black lotus with the number 51 idles with a soft purr.

(Flying) (Translucent) A mysterious female shape hovers in the air of the cleari

<4298/4298hp 258/307m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>get lotus
You get a black S2 Lotus Elise.

<4298/4298hp 258/307m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>inv
You are carrying:
a black S2 Lotus Elise
a slingshot
(Humming) a short piece of wood
(Glowing) a narrow wooden rod
a rename ticket
(Glowing) a smooth oblong rock
a bottle of local specialty
( 2) ciquala's staff
proof against dogs
ogrek's backpack
a smiley face pendant
Charon's coin
(Like New ) grey silk chalwar

<4298/4298hp 258/307m 1689725tnl 1138g 880>get glass
You get an irregular piece of green glass.
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Post by Sting »

just looks like typical hot potato with the jumping lights.... pain in the ass, but looks normal to me.
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Post by ducci »

well, what's weird is that i still had my light; but it was acting like it had knocked it off of me. or something..
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Post by Everybody »

It looks like a bug in the speco, honestly. When it's initially dropped by the sylph, it assumes that it's disabled your light (since it is a type light), which causes the further problems. The remainder of it is because that particular item has wear slots that let it be worn on any slot on the body. I'm pretty sure that's why it's jumping into random slots without fixing your light issues in that log.
Your local know-it-all. ;)
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Post by ducci »

tbh at the time i was absolutely freaking out about corrupted player files :oops:
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