We've moved to a different server. For the first time since, oh, sometime in the late 90s, we are no longer on CORE Digital's servers. Instead, we are running on my own colocated server.
This should give us better performance, nightly archived backups, "unlimited" disk space, full control over our environment, and more. (This is also the final step of taking this MUD from Kiri's hands. I'd like to thank her for her patience with me and my plodding pace implementing this move.)
However, we probably will have some problems. I currently am colocated at my workplace and I am job hunting. This could mean some outage of some sort in the not-too-distant future. I will keep it to a bare minimum, I promise.
Anyway, the new address of barren.barrenrealmsmud.com 8000 should be working for everyone. If you are using the old barren.coredcs.com address or the old IP address, those will not work. The old addresses will display a "We've moved" message until Kiri gets tired of paying for hosting.
If you are using the new address and things still aren't working for you, make a post and someone will help you. You can also send email to barren@barrenrealmsmud.com, but you may get more help from the public forum where people can share information.
One nice thing about all this is that since we own the barrenrealmsmud.com domain, we should never have to go through this again. I can always point the address to whatever server we may move to.
I hope to see you all soon.
We've Moved!
Moderators: Everybody, Bluestar
- Scavenger
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- Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2003 11:14 pm
- Location: Central Wisconsin, WI, US
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We've Moved!

- Scavenger
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- Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2003 11:14 pm
- Location: Central Wisconsin, WI, US
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I've gotten a report that at least one person is unable to get to BR using the new address. I really don't recommend using the IP address directly, since it may change in the future without much notice. But if you can't connect any other way, try connecting to 8000.

- Scavenger
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- Posts: 139
- Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2003 11:14 pm
- Location: Central Wisconsin, WI, US
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We've moved again.
This time, barren.coredcs.com 8000 should keep working without any problems for almost everyone.
We do have a new IP address though. The new IP is If you are one of those unlucky souls that has to use IP addresses, you'll need to start using that one instead.
This move got us off of the problematic network that we were on and removed the last thing tying me to my old employer. We now are being hosted by FiberNet. (For the history buffs out there, FiberNet is run by the same guys that started CORE Digital, the ISP that hosted BR from about 96-98.) The server space and the network connection are much better than what we've been on lately so hopefully people will be seeing more stability and less lag.
More moves? Maybe. I think we'll be here for awhile. But the server is about 2 hours north of where I live, which kinda sucks. I am investigating different options including getting a high-speed line to my house, colocation in my city, and getting virtual server hosting. But there is no rush now so nothing should change in the near future.
As always, let me know if you are having problems.
This time, barren.coredcs.com 8000 should keep working without any problems for almost everyone.
We do have a new IP address though. The new IP is If you are one of those unlucky souls that has to use IP addresses, you'll need to start using that one instead.
This move got us off of the problematic network that we were on and removed the last thing tying me to my old employer. We now are being hosted by FiberNet. (For the history buffs out there, FiberNet is run by the same guys that started CORE Digital, the ISP that hosted BR from about 96-98.) The server space and the network connection are much better than what we've been on lately so hopefully people will be seeing more stability and less lag.
More moves? Maybe. I think we'll be here for awhile. But the server is about 2 hours north of where I live, which kinda sucks. I am investigating different options including getting a high-speed line to my house, colocation in my city, and getting virtual server hosting. But there is no rush now so nothing should change in the near future.
As always, let me know if you are having problems.