What is Real?

Suggestions for additions and modifications to the existing Barren Realms code.
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Post by Everybody »

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Post by Anakin »

I really don't know what is real but seeing a druid wearing a dwarven armor really defines "fantasy". I guess I'm just dreaming...
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Post by Stars »

Cows are real.
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Post by kyrathaba »

It is a lie to think that any drug can enhance your consciousness.
I disagree. I work in the mental health field and some of my patients require drugs to enhance their perception of what we commonly call "reality". For example, some of my psychotic patients who get on a regular dosage of an antipsychotic medication such as Zyprexa, Geodon, or Abilify, are then much more able to maintain contact with what the majority considers to be "reality".

Of course, you used the word "consciousness", and perhaps you meant something slightly different than "reality"? If by "consicousness" you meant acute awareness of one's actual internal and external environment, then I'd say drugs like Adderall and Concerta do just that for patients suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Not trying to be cute here, just presenting a somewhat different viewpoint.
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Post by Stars »

Obviously, I am referring to drugs used for recreational purposes. Some people need psychoactive drugs for medical reasons. There is a distinct difference between prescriptions helping someone with an illness and frying your own brain as a pastime.
Also, I was not the one who originally used the word "consciousness". By "enhancing consciousness" I meant leading one down the "road to understanding", as if LSD could make someone a genius.

Have you seen people on drugs?

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Post by xorex »

My druggy friends would say that intelligence and acute perception of the world are two very different things. But I've never done drugs so I can't really speak much more for them.
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drug use

Post by AMystery »

I am arguably an artist, and caffine is most definately a drug. A large percentage of my art is created while under the influence of sleep deprivation and caffine. Altering your mind is how you expand your consciousness and gain deeper understanding, but its a risky procedure.

Alcohol is a depressant but also releases your inhibitions so while it doesn't actually make you more creative, it lets you express it.

I would like to see something replace alcohol for mana replentishment, then we can use alcohol for its true purpose, getting drunk and stumbling around. I'm not quite to the stage of advocating mana potions being placed on random mobs, but something different would be nice. Sleeping to recover doesn't work well in a power leveling group, but I imagine the group would wait for their sleeping healer. What about a substance that does much the same as alcohol, but for a different reason. Drinking it is painful, it causes violent muscle spasms as your body restructures itself and your energy returns. Sort of like drinking a battery. Have it as something you need to drink regularly and it gives a quick boost to mana.
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