Area Building Updates - please review

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Area Building Updates - please review

Post by kiri »

Author Levels Title Vnums update
Erin 145-151 Labyrinth Being Written as of 2/9/03
Amystery 140+ Into the Myst Backburner
Everybody 25-40 Feudal Japanese Backburner
Fury 35-50 Barad Dur Backburner
Leiland/Lairian 60-85 Dark Crystal Being Written 3/21/2002
Hondaone 51-70 LOTR- Hobbits Being written 4/5/2002
Xorex 20-35 Completion of Antharia Being written 4/5/2002
Jatproco Baldurs Gate Being written 4/5/2002
Brinley 85-100 Journey to center of the earth Being written
Hugin 25-35 Magic the Gathering
Firelily 60-80 Vampire, Lytharia 11890+ Indefinately on hold
Padawan Juiceman Fangorn Forest
Geko 15-30 Xanth Being written
Everybody Rewrite of Dragon Tower backburner
Amystery South Pole/Lost World Being Written 5/25/02
Lairian 30-40 European City Krevtenir Being Written 10/03
Splunk 30-45 Bedtime story land In design period, 7/31/2002
Eviene Hero levels Level 2 of 9 Hells Being written12/12/02
Radicaled Hero levels LOTR- Lonely mountain In design period2/9/03
Janus 30-40 Underdark Being written 11/30/02
Vor 60-100 Doriath Being Written 10/03
Comatose 10-20 Dwarven Catacombs rewrite In design 2/8/03
Devilsangel Norse Area
Erin 151 Demon playground In planning 2/19/03
Faustus 20-30 Haiku Garden 5387 In review 5/04
Faustus New Sewers In design 10/03
Faustus New Arachnos In design 10/03
Anavrinman Anasazi Area In design 10/03
Bluestar 0-20 Ankh-Morpork In planning 10/03
Lari 115-avatar Aegina Being written3/04
Apocalypse 30-40 Sandman In planning 2/04
Kitsune 20-30 Music Room addition to New Ofcol In Planning 1/04
Dyre 15-40 or 51-90 Yurdranel In planning 5/04
VNUM 7665 actually starts at 7682.
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Post by xorex »

i haven't abandoned my area if you want to give it a more recent date than two years ago :)
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Post by Java »

You should ask everyone for an update, Kiri
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Post by Faustus »

Well, the Zen Garden has been in for about half a year now, so you can take that one off the list. My others are... well, let's just say they're still in progress and leave it at that...
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Into the Myst

Post by AMystery »

After you posted this I went back and diagrammed into the myst more. I've lost all of my original work (naturally) but my new ideas look quite nice. I am thinking I will break it into multiple areas as I have several segments that on paper are 100+ rooms. We will see what actually gets done, but I am getting the builder right now so I can start working on this machine with the current happy thought. its an avatar version of 36 chambers, with more chambers and a more thematic approach. I have very pretty images in my head:)
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Post by Lari »

I'm still working on Aegina though it's going slowly. It's doubled in size to over 300 rooms. My problem is I have long periods where I just can't write then short spurts where I need to write and actually do a decent job of it. Some day I might actually get it done. ;)
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Post by Kitsune »

I have started my area. First 4 rooms and a few mobs are done. One particularly nasty one.
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Post by Everybody »

I may as well put my update in:
I finally got motivated on my feudal Japanese area, and am now 400ish rooms complete, with 30ish objects and several large puzzles in. I still need to rewrite 50-75 rooms, revise to make sure everything flows together & fits thematically, and add all the mobs/takeable objects/resets then go into testing, but (provided I don't take another serious break on it) I should have it done by the end of this year.
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pinkm floyd

Post by AMystery »

I haven't made much progress on my newest pink floyd inspired area but I am working on an update and bug fix for mandenthone and south pole. actually i guess those are done, but I am hanging on to them for a little longer in case inspiration strikes or someone points out another glaring flaw:)
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Post by disaster »

well, since everyone is putting in a note about their areas...

mine (which, apparently, has been in the works so long that it isn't in the above list) is finally actually starting to come together. it's currently juts past the 400 rooms mark (including chutes) and i've (mostly) finished with mobs and objects. i'm currently about hallf way through writing exit descriptions, though i expect the second half to move quicker. after that i'll just need to overlook item balance a final time, possibly add in a few easter eggs and EDs, and it'll be ready to start the official review process.
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Post by xorex »

I was just trolling through the Area Building section of the Forums -- there sure were a lot of great discussions going on in 2003 into 2004. Sadly, there hasn't been a single post in this category for 2006 yet.

I thought I'd bump this thread because it's one of the most general. Look at all those areas people were thinking about! It's a shame some of those people aren't around much any more. It would have been a treat to see some of these areas by Comatose, Lari, Leiland, Stars, Bluestar, RadicalEd, Eviene, Firelily, Devilsangel, etc.... I'm currently working on an area myself and seeing that list makes think it'd be nice to set up a reclamation project where people could send me their incomplete areas and I could finish them by only doing half the work :)

Any way, to show some signs of life in here, I'll add that I still have the area file for my Antharia completion and that the temple is somewhere around half written. However, recently I have been working on an area I have referred to so far as "North Haon Dor". It will be a continuation of Haon Dor to the north and serve hopefully to open up that section of the realms for future area expansion. I haven't entirely fixed the level range but as a connecting area that will hopefully serve as something of a thoroughfare it will mostly be pretty tame level-wise.

As for other building updates, I know that Disaster and Everybody have (pretty large) areas that are pretty close to being totally done. Is anyone else out there working on something? I always liked looking over this list when Kiri would send it out and even though that won't happen any more, there's no reason we shouldn't continue to foster a community of builders :)
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Post by AMystery »

I've got updates to south pole and mandenthone that never went in so I will be resending them, once I go over them again. I haven't made too much progress to my other areas. maybe 1/6th of the way done for the most complete.
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Post by disaster »

yeah, my area's very close to completion now. however, i'm currently taking 3 classes at the university. hopefully soon i'll get the finishing touches done. what exactly is the process going to be now, in terms of getting them formally reviewed and implemented?
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Post by Everybody »

ditto. I'm within a week (man-hour wise) of finishing my new area, as well... just need to crack down and finish that up.
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Post by ducci »

wow, looks like i'm in good company :D
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