
Suggestions for additions and modifications to the existing Barren Realms code.
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Post by Comatose »

First of all I am not the only one that is sensitive of the subject. The last time this went around many of us got tired of your ranting about how we are ripping of the dragon lance books and how if we are going to do that then they should be more like the name is used in that series.

The truth of the matter is that I couldn't care less if you changed every aspect of the race or just got rid of it entirely. My point is that you seem to enjoy touching peoples nerves. Maybe it is that you just don't see the places that might be a bit sensitive.

Others may agree with your opinion about how the Kender name is being used in br but I don't recall anyone else being so blatant about the fact that we are just wrong to use that name and not have it be exactly as the characters in the book. Instead I see suggestions of how they might be changed to better fit what the Kender should be and also how that can fit into br.

Oh well. Once again I have written something that I regret. Yes I do regret some of the things I write even if I do still believe in what is written.
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Post by Scavenger »

Who said anything about "exactly"? As it stands now, the racial skills for "Kender" really have nothing to do the the Kender race from the books. There really is no reason to call them Kender besides the fact that the original MUD implementers decided that "Kender" and "thief" meant the same thing. For once, I am with Stars.
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Post by Comatose »

Good hell it is just a damn name. The fact that he made sugestions for change of the kender race wasn't my problem. But I give up. This will be the last time I post on this subject.
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Post by Bluestar »

You know, I try to stay out of this part of the forums only because I don't feel I have any worthwhile coding suggestions, however I feel the need to add my two cents worth to this particular thread.

First of all, so what if the name Kender came from a book? Look around, most of the areas on BR come from books, movies, plays, etc. So? Personally if I wrote something and someone ended up using it for an online community as a name for a race, or even an entire area, I'd be honored. It just means that person wrote something worthwhile enough to someone to be made into a race on a mud.

Secondly, calm the heck down. It's just a name in a game folks.

Okay maybe I still don't have anything worthwhile to add here, I just felt the need to say that getting upset over the name of a race because it's not like the race in a book is ridiculous. Now I'm done :P
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Post by Comatose »

I am really sorry for killing this topic. I will learn to keep my mouth shut. I promise I won't say anymore so all of you don't have to worry about making any statements. I hate killing a thread, but I do it all to often. I guess I will start looking at the way I say things. :oops:
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Post by Stars »

Don't worry about it, Comatose. I can be a bit quick with my responses too. You don't need to be silent. I appreciate your opinions, as do other people I'm sure.
Last edited by Stars on Tue Apr 13, 2004 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kiri »

I don't think you killed the thread. Maybe everyone said all they had to say.
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Post by Solomnius »

THREAD SHUTDOWN:- RESTARTING.......... .......... ....... ........... OK

edit thread

EDITING.............. DONE.

I took the liberty of editing the thread and summerising...
I hope it's ok - i was only trying to help :)
the thread continues......

At higher levels, kender should be able to steal equipment off of mobs, instead of just gold and inventory items.

I agree with leiland granted some eq like shoes (if they are standing) is a little hard to do, but overall a hat/belt/etc could easily been taken off. And also as with illusion even though you got the equipment the mob still noticed and attacked you.

I agree with Leiland on this. Kender steal should be much more useful The race should not be nearly as powerful fighters
the thieving skills should be boosted.
Kender are thieves NOT fighters.

I can't imagine kenders getting weaker. IMO, they rely on their backstab a lot and if it misses, they are screwed
I haven't seen a locked chest or door that can be picked and I'm really getting dissappointed.

I have always been amazed by the power of kender.
Taint works often enough and does more than enough damage to make up for the few misses. In my opinion, taint is super powerful.
Regardless of the disputed extreme power of kender, they are built like fighters and not like kender.
They are not evil little assassins. They pick pockets and play pranks.

It's should be hard to steal a hammer thats all I have to say, imagine stealing a huge hammer froma dwarf when he is awake.
I am positive to a good coded steal system.

If we rewrote kender, that would be an interesting idea to start with.

I'd like to see kender getting experience for using their thieving abilities... (and yes, revamping steal would be neat... stealing equipped objects and making certain types of items easier or harder to steal, based on the type of item, would be especially neat).

exp for using thieving abilities would be neat, but if we do that we should give druids exp for healing, ill exp for illusion, elves exp for teleporting.

XP for successful thieving - Yes
XP for successful Offensive Psionic Spell Casting - Yes
XP for successful healing in combat - Yes
XP for successful damage by spells - Yes

the idea of gaining xp for successful thief skills sounds great. Maybe along with steal, there's a mug skill too? cause who hasn't known a thief to try and take a little money too.

i just think that would be an easily abusable system db

remember ever casting "detect_trap" or "disarm_trap".....
Kenders get disarm trap at level 50 - i think that should be lowered
New areas should have a pickable chest or 2 with some KILLER traps!!
if you add exp to one race's skills/spells, you have to add it to all the race's

traps only work if it's an offensive spell that's on them
detect_trap and disarm_trap are probably the two skills with the least intuitive setup for using in the entire game, and gotten so late that there's a reason no one ever uses them. If we want them to be used, we need to make the traps nastier or more plentiful.

Fixing nasty traps on chests and doors would be FANTASTIC. Disarm_trap and detect_trap would be become much more useful. Yes, let kenders learn these skills at a lower level. The suggestions here are probably the best I've heard for any existing race.
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