
in the land of the Wice

Finally reaching his destination, Dunbarth saw the scorched fields of the Wice and the burned remains of their homes. On top of the hill he saw his enemy and recognized them at once! The evil Wan Tawns were running the Wice away from their homeland! He approached them slowly and stealthily to scout what he was up against. At least a score of the huge Wan Tawns were huddled around various fires making some soup for their dinner. A few others were making some weapons by chopping sticks and cutting stones.

Dunbarth receded from his hiding place and hurried to the land of the White Wice. He was warmly welcomed and recognized by both sects of the Wice homeland and immediately called for a meeting.

"We must stand against the Wan Tawns and fight for your freedom! I will lead you and we shall take back the Fried Wice homeland!" Dunbarth shouted. The Wice cheered and scurried off to collect weapons and supplies.

"Great," thought Dunbarth, "Now what the heck am I supposed to do?" he sighed.

Continue to Thrilling Conlusion of Dunbarth's Journey!!