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  • unknown - Friday 18 July 2003 00:45
    Score's cuter.
  • Score - Saturday 19 July 2003 02:44
    Yep. I sure am. ;)
  • from all the folks from the central side - Monday 28 July 2003 13:48
    duane is by far better looking than you score ;)
  • duane - Monday 28 July 2003 13:49
    y'all better back up off me ;)
  • Someone - Wednesday 30 July 2003 14:47
    Obviously, this just show how people from central side can't determine what cute. :)
  • Matt - Sunday 10 August 2003 03:32
    Hey Duane. How ya been? Greg told me about the new born. Congrats dude.
  • Uriel - Sunday 14 September 2003 23:22
    What you see, isn't always what you get, is it Duane?
  • Joey - Friday 19 September 2003 08:33
    Can I buy your wife a drink?
  • Duane's Pal - Tuesday 23 September 2003 16:33
    Can I buy you a ticket to hell? kthxbye.
  • Destruction - Wednesday 8 October 2003 08:55
    Can I buy your pals a kick in the ass? Yeah. Thanks. *kicks pals with Joey*