Various questions from returning player

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Various questions from returning player

Post by Wilder »

Hey all, recently rejoined and am loving the mud. Its super quiet though. I have a few questions if anyone can help: (playing a human for reference)

1. Are all skills capped at 95% or are there differences? A lot of my skills are up to 95% but some seem to cap at 94% - buddha finger, concentrate, iron monk
out of guild skills parry/dodge/dual seem capped at 84% - is this the case or just observer bias?
2. How often/when do shopkeepers reset inventory? Selling items all over the towns but prices are dropping quickly based on inventory.
3. Curiosity - what are the damage values for the decodes?


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Re: Various questions from returning player

Post by ducci »

I think skills are capped at 95%. Improvements in practice level seem to get progressively rarer.

I believe shopkeepers keep their inventory until the server resets. You’ll have to find new loot to sell and new shopkeepers to sell to.

We can do some experiments in the arena if you want to figure out numeric damage values.
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Re: Various questions from returning player

Post by Wilder »

I still haven't had any movement on my out of guild skills going past 84%. Seems like that's gotta be a cap or just a unlikely coincidence.
How often does server reset?
Just curious about the damage decodes. Would be cool to see a damage gradient at least - that goes past Thwap.
I think its Thwap < Pummel < Clobbers < Discombobulate ?

Ducci, you have, sincerely, been an amazing help with getting back into the MUD.
I had a chat with a friend of mine, that originally got me into the MUD years ago, this morning. Tried to talk him into playing again. Apparently he made hero also. I don't remember his character name, but I remember it was an Avian. Probably named something to do with Anarchy. That was his thing back then.
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Re: Various questions from returning player

Post by Everybody »

To provide some solid code answers:

1. In-guild skills cap at 95%. Out of guild cap at 84%. There's no differential for individual skills. As Ducci mentioned, increases are inversely proportionate to how skilled you currently are (so it's much harder to go from 94 to 95 than from 14 to 15).
2. A number of shopkeepers will automatically roll inventory as they fill up, although that requires selling quite a variety of goods to them. Sale prices also go down when you try to sell items that are lower leveled than you are.
3. We've never specifically provided exact damage ranges for any of the damage verbs. My recollection puts Discombobulate at ~250 damage, and the dams/damp at 500+. I believe it's actually thwaps > clobbers > pummels > discombobs, but it's been a long while since I looked at it (so clobber/pummel might be the other way around, as you say).
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