inserting images

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inserting images

Post by RadicalEd »

how is it that i insert an image into my signature? Cause i've got this gif its animated, and wanted it in my signature like anakins and scav's :D
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Post by xorex »


Code: Select all

[img](image www link)[/img]
with no parantheses around the link when you actually type it in.
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Post by RadicalEd »

cool!! thank you! :D
Now i've got to find more stuff to stick in there :P
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Post by Anakin »

*shrugs* People are complaining on other boards that the image would be better if it's bigger. I guess I'll just take it down in here. Considering I was the only one who has an image on his sig, and I actually know how to put one; and you're calling me a "newbie", Avid Player? ;)
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