Total Experiance.

This is a forum where you can ask Kiri anything. She will answer to the best of her ability. Others may answer as well, but Kiri will try to answer all reasonable questions. Do not feel limited by topic.
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Total Experiance.

Post by Cynic »

has the game changed so that when u die and your experiance goes back up, you lose total experiance?

i lost like 30k experiance today from my total.. i remember you used to be able to build your experiance up so that you could enhance at lower levels by getting close to leveling and then dieing a couple of times to put you so that you need more EXP till level and so on.....
and this closes another chapter of Cynics Anonomous.
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Post by Everybody »

I'm guessing your memory was faulty, actually... so far as I can remember, and I've been here oh... 10ish years, your total xp always got reduced when you died... halfway back to your previous level point. Now, if you enhanced (thereby spending xp off of your total), then when you died, you didn't lose any xp.

On a sidenote, generally to enhance early, you'll have to practice some oog skills early on... most races can pull off an enhance at level 8 with that.
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Post by Cynic »

hehehe, i know how long you've been here... hehehe
i was here the day you started....

and yes, my memory was incorrect.
tis a pain in the ass that demons dont get out of guilds
and this closes another chapter of Cynics Anonomous.
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