With advent of cast_elf, cast_druid, I was wondering...
What exactly do the existing cast_(x)s do, as in spell lists?
Also, what is the current possibility of cast_human (buddha skills, kicks, passive fist/palm techniques, iron monk), cast_avain (windzone, peck, talons), cast_illithid (as I'm just tickled pink by the thought of a mob casting deathfield and ultrablast...THERE's a challenge mob)?
As a side note, we'd probably have to be careful to never sanc a cast_human, as I've heard from a rather reliable source that IM and sanc stack unless the builder really REALLY wanted to be mean.
EDIT: I left dwarves out as they seem to be the default mob ai equivalent.
The builder's guide - located at http://www.barrenrealmsmud.com/guides - lists all of them and what spells they cast.
Divebomb has added many new specs for mobs. However, we usually don't add any unless an area is going to use them and there is promise for use in the future.
Divebomb has added many new specs for mobs. However, we usually don't add any unless an area is going to use them and there is promise for use in the future.
I have cast_illithid written. (You do realize death field only works +- 5 levels of the mob/player right?).
Faustus wants a human spec and I've sort of discovered (with Slart's help) a way to mimic things like five style fist and 1000 palms. It doesn't look quite like a normal autoattack but it has the same affect. Also includes certain spells. I haven't really fine-tuned that spec, nor am I ever really on at the same time Slart is to even ask to test them.
Avian would be along the same lines as the human one (minus the spells).
I also have a spec_dragon partially written that does a combination of "windzone", spec_breath_any, room tailsweep, and "roar" (force flee). There were some problems with the code that prevented such things (like certain abilities not working on players even when done by a mob), but I think Slart fixed all or most of them. Not sure.
Off the top of my head, i don't remember exactly what all the spells are for cast_elf and cast_dru (which are not in the builder's guide because they're too new) and i'm not at home to look them up. In general, they spell themselves up when not fighting (defensive + healing spells), they always target the tank with spells and cast far more often than the other spec_cast_x, and they use both offensive and healing spells during battle.
The difference between them is the spell list, the druid has things like flamestrike and cause serious, the elf has fireball and acid blast (among others). The healing spells may cross between the two (i think cast_elf gets cure_serious but not heal), but for the most part it's the in-guild spells for the race.
Faustus wants a human spec and I've sort of discovered (with Slart's help) a way to mimic things like five style fist and 1000 palms. It doesn't look quite like a normal autoattack but it has the same affect. Also includes certain spells. I haven't really fine-tuned that spec, nor am I ever really on at the same time Slart is to even ask to test them.

Avian would be along the same lines as the human one (minus the spells).
I also have a spec_dragon partially written that does a combination of "windzone", spec_breath_any, room tailsweep, and "roar" (force flee). There were some problems with the code that prevented such things (like certain abilities not working on players even when done by a mob), but I think Slart fixed all or most of them. Not sure.
Off the top of my head, i don't remember exactly what all the spells are for cast_elf and cast_dru (which are not in the builder's guide because they're too new) and i'm not at home to look them up. In general, they spell themselves up when not fighting (defensive + healing spells), they always target the tank with spells and cast far more often than the other spec_cast_x, and they use both offensive and healing spells during battle.
The difference between them is the spell list, the druid has things like flamestrike and cause serious, the elf has fireball and acid blast (among others). The healing spells may cross between the two (i think cast_elf gets cure_serious but not heal), but for the most part it's the in-guild spells for the race.
Fine art is the only teacher except torture.
- George Bernard Shaw
- George Bernard Shaw
I'm quite sure that iron monk and sanc do not stack, at least on PC's. Since I believe that mobs use the same affect bits as PC's do to determine what things to consider during combat (and other times), and iron monk and sanc do use the same affect bit (sanctuary, specifically), I'm fairly sure that they do not stack for mobs, either.
Your local know-it-all.
Your local know-it-all.