1) what is the spell number for empath when placing it on a pill? it doesn't appear to be listed in the buider's guide
2) what is the spell number for complete healing on a wand? the guide says 478, but i was getting strange things happening with Alicia's builder, like it randomly changing it from saying "complete healing" to "control flames"
3)when putting a bunch of different flags into a value, is it best to add them up, or do the #|#|# thing? the builder appears to have done a bunch of adding for me, so if i'm hand editing things, do i have to keep adding them in, or is putting my additions in with a | good enough?
4)what is the object type number for a vehicle?
5) what are all the different vehicle flags (to make it have a horn, to make it fly, etc..)
6)is it possible to add more than one spec to a mob? the guide says no, but i wanted to double check. if the answer is no, is there a hate_all spec available? if not, please pretty please can one be made? *begs* i could substitute love_demon flags in for them, but i'd really like to be able to be mean to demons too
7)how does one go about making a mob load inside a container (like the ones in the toy shop boxes, for example)

9)what, exactly, do i have to do to use the room_damage speco properly, and how do i go about doing it?
if any of you can give me definate answers to one or more of these questions, i'd be very appreciative -Dis