I've been getting a lot of requests lately for areas focused towards demons, and specifically demon wearable equipment. I don't know if this is possible, but I imagine someone here does and it would be useful information to have posted. So how do you go about making demon wearable equipment? What other information is useful for dealing with this new race in area building?
I'm pretty good at making things to kill demons, but sometimes you have to use the carrot as well at the stick.
As far as I understand it, demons were never supposed to have demon equipment in game other than the RC quests and as demon avatars/reheroes. Demons are already insanely out of balance and the entire motivation for remort was to get their equipment to be demon wearable again. Demon limbs are demon equipment. Of course we're getting requests for it, if the players thought they could even have a remote chance for it they'd demand 3000 dam lvl 1 mob slayer swords.
We don't need an area with demon wearable equipment, but feel free to make more difficult areas for the demon characters since they certainly DO need more of a challenge then nondemon heroes.
Granted the RC equipment was sort of weak, but the reason for it was because demons are already so powerful. If your really keen on the idea, talk to Divebomb and Slart about doing demon RC's, but make sure the rewards are BALANCED which means fairly low powered.
Well... low powered EQ is alot better than no EQ at all
i would like to see some demon EQ aswell, maby incorperated into the areas, 1 item per area so you have to go everywhere to get a full set... but a demon-only area would rock... somewhere where everything was good so we wouldnt have to slaughter the poor sheep in ultima
Vesper - Feirce Kight of the Moon
Vesper - Feirce knight of ther moon!
Xer has low self-esteem!
levelling a demon is currently about as difficult as falling down a flight of stairs. the last thing we need is eq to make doing so even easier. IF, and this is a rather large if, there's to be demon-eq put into areas, i think it should be restricted to lights and held items, and it shouldn't get a demon_wearable flag, only anti-all-other-races flags. that lets it be a nice little incentive for demon exploration, but since the eq would replace eq that can normally be worn by demons it wouldn't be too much of a boost.
"Freedom of speech" is not the same thing as "Freedom from consequences".