Actually... there's a story behind this!
The author has a blog at
He suggested, at one point, that he needs to teach his dog to eat snow and cut down on costs for food. I said, get a snow-eating goat and that way your lawn is trimmed in the summer.
He thought it was funny...
Months afterwards I received a letter saying:
"On the topic of jobs, I recently found some work for a snow-eating goat in Spot the Frog. She'll appear 2-16 and hang around for a week or so (though I never know how long a story will play out until I'm done with it.) I'm keeping it a surprise on the blog (I'm revealing the character in sihlouette, flipped upside-down, in sections), but I wanted to thank you for suggesting a funny idea (whether or not I do justice to it I'll leave up to readers.)"
So..... he named her after me.. and... voila! Kiri the snow-eating goat!