If you could make a race what will it be

Here's a place to talk about each of the races - which is better, what changes you'd like to see, and just general commentary on each.
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Post by darkarrow »

i think if there where mor we could get some fresh blood (so to put it )
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Post by Anakin »

This comes up every once in a while but just keeps getting shot down. I know we're lacking the coders to help but seriously, we're stuck at 4hps compared to the other muds that have started at the same time running at 200hps. We all know this, I'm just wondering why not try this whole new idea a try and see what happens.

If we really want some new blood, we need something competitive compared to the ones out there and I think that what Stars and Exo are saying would really impact our game in a good way.
disaster wrote:"we've eliminated strict classes in favour of allowing characters to customize their characters on a skill-by-skill basis, allowing for greater diversity and personalization to player preference and playing style"
Sorry bro but I have atleast 2 of the same race and they're no different than the other. ;) I'm sure the same goes as well to my character compared to the one sitting next room. I think "eliminating classes in favor of customizing characters more diversely... player preference and playing style" doesn't really sound very true since IMO, classes makes character customization and playing style more diversed. I'm not suggesting that we go to classes because that's probably one of the signature assets of the game (aside from our beloved "closely knit group of people") but maybe a more diversed game play.

I really like that idea of 5 - 10 races coming out all at once though. Now THAT would be something unheard of. Putting in 1 race, eh... someone would probably avatar4 that in 3 days (wanna go for a 24 - 48 hours, Dis? ;) ). But I bet if we have 5 - 10 new races, bored avatars such as myself would have a whole lot of entertainment and kicks off of that for quite a long time.
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Post by Lonewarrior »

i remember some newbie to br say they had played another mud like this one and said this one sux compared to the other one they played then deleted there char. very sad that he didnt bother atleast making a few levels or something to find out a bit more about br. o and dragonseeker only hates ffx because he cant get past seymour at the temple place near the ice lake that breaks
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Post by Everybody »

*blink* That's not even the HARD seymour....
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Post by Lonewarrior »

yup o played another game its got thousands of members because you can have over 36 types of races and there is ten or so chat boards
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Post by paranoid »

Hmmm...I think vampires would make a cool race myself. Like, they are most powerful at night...though, that may not work for br
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Post by See »

An alian race, start off life as a face-hugger, then move onto a chest-burster, so on and so forth
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Post by Bluestar »

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Post by Xerr »

Admitadely i love the idea of an aquarian race, starting off more human like the avians but instead of growing into a more birdlike creature they can grow into a more aquatic creature.
Mabye having a tentacle for crush ability like demons, and being able to breath underwater for extended periods of time.
Mabye they could even get some small bonus for being underwater, which could favour the possibility of some underwater or more water-based zones.
Can probally make a more detailed description if this basis sounds alright to people!
Glad to be back btw and see familiar faces :)
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