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Suggestions for additions and modifications to the existing Barren Realms code.
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Post by Comatose »

disaster wrote: might take some convincing, but i could probably convince SOMEONE out there to give me a killer flag and trans me to you,
Yeah. that is going to happen!
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Post by Everybody »

Not like it would help you any... even with a killer flag, it would just mean that he could kill you with impunity... not that you could retaliate in any measure. (This is, of course, aside from the not-being-able-to-kill-imms-in-non-arena-rooms thing.)
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Post by disaster »

oh, didn't know about that thing...*shrug* oh well, i'll find a way, somehow. maybe just take the easy way, pop into a vehicle with the imm in question and take an alias run to the alandra arena. that always works, provided you can get them into a vehicle.
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