Question regarding enterable & invis objects...

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Question regarding enterable & invis objects...

Post by SoulDrake »

After reading over the builder guide several times and not coming up with a satisfactory answer, I must bow to the wisdom of the wise and experienced...

I have an idea for several "passages" within my area that I'm trying to work out, implementation wise. The concept pretty much goes like this:

The passage is a narrow crawlspace hidden by a non-obvious door (a movable boulder that requires a specific object to move) that will require a player to remove some objects in order to go through (and removal of fly would be nice too if that's possible, but I'm not going to hold my breath.)

At first I thought it would work something like this:

The "crawlspace" is an enterable object with a limited amount of storage space. This object could be placed in a room just beyond the aforementioned "rock door" or perhaps increase the complexity by putting it INSIDE an enterable object niche that the boulder is covering.

Problems that arise however: Can an enterable object be placed within an enterable object or does that get messy? Is there a more eloquent solution to this type of problem or does something like this actually work? Assuming I make said "crawlspace" an enterable object, how do I allow access to another room through said object? I know the MUD allows some sort of entering for getting into zones, RHPS requires "enter mouth" to access the area, if my memory serves.


Whoops, forgot to mention my question regarding invis objects. I had the thought of making the crawlspace and niche areas both in the same room as invisible objects. The builder guide, however, indicates that having more than one invisible object in a room makes things messy. Is this an actual problem with the coding or just seen as a sort of unimaginative builder mess-type-thing? Essentially, I'm trying to create the necessity to find and read certain items that will be scattered throughout the area. I suppose I could add many useless objects to every room to disguise things, but I was wondering if that might look a little messy with a string of several "A {Insert object desc here} sits here." strings following the description.

Thoughts? Comments? Am I just crazy? ^^;

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Post by kiri »

Just briefly, it is probably not good for the mud to have multiple enterable objects within each other.

However, there is code in the works (see code forum) that would allow "moving" or "switching" or doing some sort of activity to allow a room to open up.
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Post by Everybody »

By invisible objects in this case, I presume you're not talking about the (Invis) flag, but about no-long objects (which, thus don't show as anything other than a blank line in a room). Presuming it's the second... there are no code problems with including two in the same room, however (for those of us that pay attention), it will be rather more obvious that there's something in the room (since you'll have three blank lines between the end of the room desc and your prompt instead of the usual one).
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Post by SoulDrake »

Ok, then that's something I can avoid. I don't mind the blank spaces, I just don't like the idea of the words showing up after the room description. Maybe I'm just wierd... anyway, how would one do something like RHPS, where you enter something to get to another part of the area or, in the case of RHPS, the zone itself?

I'm trying to think of ways to varry passage to rooms. Does BR support naming exits: IE, creating an exit called "Booths" or "Shop" so the player could type "Booths"or "Shop" to go there? If it doesn't then I want to try stuff like "Enter passage," and such just to add a different feel to the area.

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Post by kiri »

That mouth thing is hard coded and cannot be reproduced. However, certain things like in revanant consecration, where you are teleported after a bit of time, can be. Just don't overuse it or use it poorly, or it can make people not want to use your area.
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Post by SoulDrake »

Hrmm.. then I guess I'll just plan and wait for the code for manipulating the room to get done before building. Or perhaps I could get things going, mobs, objects, items, room descs, etc then go back and reorganize once the new code goes in.

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Post by kiri »

I hope I don't go too far by saying this code will eventually be included in the mud, so go ahead and start planning.
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Post by Solomnius »

SoulDrake writes
(a movable boulder that requires a specific object to move) that will require a player to remove some objects in order to go through

a few thoughts...
if someone, lets say a dwf, was carrying 950 weight for eg, they would need 950 worth of space, and if your room could hold 1000 weight and had a 100 weight rock inside, the dwf would would have to remove the rock before entering. (is this what you meant?)
problem - if they only had 500 worth of weight they could enter without removing the rock - too many unknown variables - unworkable
a few flawed ideas...
tedious idea:- fill the room with rocks, forcing the char to remove and drop enough rocks to fit into the container
dangerous idea:- make the room very small - maybe 200 - so the char has to leave most of their stuff outside - but many would not want to risk their stuff (unless there was a safe box outside - a chest maybe)
good idea:- have faith that the new switch/move code will be finnished before your area is, or use the teleport code.

kiri writes
However, certain things like in revanant consecration, where you are teleported after a bit of time
does the teleport code recognise race or alignment? can a certain range of alignment (for example 100-200) be specified? or maybe recognise an item held by the char?
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Post by Divebomb »

(is this what you meant?)
That's not what he meant. He just meant you must have a particular item to interact with a particular other item in order to accomplish a goal. Like keys work with doors... (be a little weird to unlock a boulder though).
does the teleport code recognise race or alignment? can a certain range of alignment (for example 100-200) be specified? or maybe recognise an item held by the char?
The demon teleport code works based on level and the fact that it's a demon. It's already tedious to write and implement the teleport code and it does't really work the way you want it to (ie a triggered action). It could probably be easily modified to check for race and/or sex and/or alignment, but I think more suitable new code would be a better fought-for battle.
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Post by Stars »

I would like to see some kind of room teleportation work in a way that it is triggered when some room object is manipulated. I would also like to see this work based on all the things that SoulDrake suggested, such as race, alignment, perhaps even sex...
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