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Post by Luc »

Well i know that when you enhance the amount of hp you get is based on what your maximum hp is (same goes for mana) my question is, is this applied to your base hp without equipment? Or does the current max hp you have determine it?
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Post by Everybody »

Unless we've revised it again, it's based off your current max hp... kind of. Removing +hp/+mana eq will help you, wearing -hp/-mana eq will not (the game disregards them when considering what your "true" max hp or mana is).
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Post by Stars »

I was under the impression that it is determined by your base max hp without bonuses/penalties.

In any case, this is another time for me to complain about how this system works. I would greatly prefer that the amount of points received for enhancing be based on the number of times one has already enhanced, NOT on current max points. For instance, the first few times that a players enhances hp they will get 50 hp, but after the first few times the amount given per enhancement will slowly taper off down to 5 per enhance. We can make it so that the average gained from 1st enhance to last (5 hp) will be the same at level 11 as it is at level 51, regardless of the player's current max hp. This sounds so much fairer to me. I totally miss the point of our current system.
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Post by Everybody »

The point of the current system is to reward those players inventive and determined enough to get the extra money early on, then play through the xp penalty before it becomes bountiful, thus spending extra time (quite a lot of extra time, I might add) slogging through early levels for the added bonuses to their stats. I feel it's quite a fair system, actually.

And, as I said, unless we've changed it without me knowing, yes, really.
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Post by Divebomb »

I was under the same belief Stars was so I decided to test this. Here are the results:

Level 11 Elf, 13 con, 300hp ENHANCES TO 340hp
Net Gain: 40hp

Level 11 Elf, 13 con, 300hp + 200hp Equipment, 13 con ENHANCES TO 540 hp
Net Gain: 40hp

Level 11 Elf, 13 con, 500hp ENHANCES TO 535hp
Net Gain: 35hp

Conclusion: Equipment has no bearing whatsoever on your enhancing.
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