Stats Poll
Stats Poll
Which do you think is the most important Stat? and why?
I went ahead and picked con. I think all the stats are important, but con really adds alot. Firstly they give a chance for more hp per level, and more hp per level is just cool. Not sure if anyone realized this but the higher the con, the more hp they regenerate during sleeping. Some would say STR is important , but its really not, especially if you are a magic user. Dwarf would have str as an important stat? yeah but i think con is more important. If a dwarf has low hp then the damage they give really wont make much of a difference now will it?
you forgot include the option none
they're all worthless as proven when divebomb held this strugglesome reduce-all-stats-to-3 quest... and you weren't allowed to enhance them *snickers*
at least that's the case when you know your way around a bit. for newbies i think it really all depends on their race. prime is the most important, and then comes str, followed closely by int/wis for the caster classes and con/dex for the fighting ones.
personally i like all of them, besides strength...

at least that's the case when you know your way around a bit. for newbies i think it really all depends on their race. prime is the most important, and then comes str, followed closely by int/wis for the caster classes and con/dex for the fighting ones.
personally i like all of them, besides strength...
*Unicorn hoofprint sparkling from glittering faerie-dust*
I'll have to go with CON too. There are lots of spells for +attack and +defence (ie, STR and DEX) But very few to effectively raise your hitpoints. And HP is the first thing we normally compare as we beat our chests and type "report".
And, as we already know, WIS and INT mean nothing. It's all who you know in today's economy.
And, as we already know, WIS and INT mean nothing. It's all who you know in today's economy.
"If you have a right to someone else's approval, then they do not have a right to their own opinions and values." - Dr. Thomas Sowell
I voted for strength, as it's IMO more important than the others for mortal characters. A much greater percentage of a level 50 char's HP and mana come from enhancing than is true for an avatar4, lessening the benefit of con/int/mana -- an extra three HP times 35 levels is significant, but hardly a big deal. In addition to the obvious damroll bonus, strength has important benefits in terms of carrying capacity and the weapons you can wield. This is why almost all characters maintain max strength whenever reasonably possible; I'm not sure the same could be said for any other stat, most of which are only truly important for brief intervals during play (level/practice/skill use time).
After people hero, they have all the carrying capacity they want, regardless of strength, and are usually down to 25 hp+mana per level via enhancing. Plus, they've got 100 hero levels (times four in some cases) for the constitution/int/wis bonuses to add up. (Even so, the extra 1200-1500 hp barely registers against some av4s' HP totals.) High level equipment (and prizes) often have huge stat bonuses, which make maxing out stats less of a choice. It's a different ballgame altogether.
After people hero, they have all the carrying capacity they want, regardless of strength, and are usually down to 25 hp+mana per level via enhancing. Plus, they've got 100 hero levels (times four in some cases) for the constitution/int/wis bonuses to add up. (Even so, the extra 1200-1500 hp barely registers against some av4s' HP totals.) High level equipment (and prizes) often have huge stat bonuses, which make maxing out stats less of a choice. It's a different ballgame altogether.