Newsletter January 26, 2004

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Newsletter January 26, 2004

Post by kiri »

News from the Realms:

DevilsAngel: Immortal story quest

I know it has taken me some time, and I REALLY appreciate you all not pressuring me,
I've finally gotten the judging done on my immortal story quest.
I must say that Every single story was GREAT! I could tell everyone put alot of effort
and thought into them. I will post them all on the forums so that you can all enjoy them.
Unfortunatly I can only have one imm story. This was truly a HARD decision.
That is the main reason it took me so long...I simply couldn't decide.
So without making you guys wait any longer....Solomnius is the winner. The story he wrote
for the quest will be the one that is posted on the website. =) Please send him congrats.
It was a Stiff competition. I'm not doing second, third, and so they REALLY were all great!
So Erin, Everybody, Kitsune, and Anavrinman will all recieve Second place worthy prizes!
Thank you all for entering! I enjoyed reading all of them. I just hope I live up to those wonderful stories round here =)
I'll have them up on the forums within a day or two under the players works section.
Thank you all!!!


AMystery: i want a way to check my afk message, sure, I can reset it, but sometimes I wonder what it currently is
and if its still valid, especially if I haven't set it, just went afk

Disaster: characters using shields should get a damage reduction, or an extra parry, or something like that

Criterion: code to prevent the accidental backstabbing of a charmed beast... sometimes when you're grouped someone
might glare a mob just before you backstab it

Criterion: yeah, parameters for the prac command would be cool, like being able to view the list of skills organized
by categories such as protective, attack etc

Criterion: the idea i submitted before about an illithid skill to put an air bubble around their group so they
can fight under water without scuba gear is based on the fact that illithids are spawned from water based squidlike

Criterion: have storekeepers who are closed say the MUD time they reopen.

Criterion: detect evil puts a red aura around evil aligned players. i mean, from the player's point of view...
it doesn't put an aura on them... just allows a player to see a red aura

Criterion: extend the detect evil aura detection to mobs

Luc: keys should melt or disappear after you use them

Criterion: Peek lets a kender see the amount of gold in a player or mobs inventory.

Responses by Amystery:

> Ideas from the Realms:
> Stars: PLEASE, keep notes around for a while longer than they
> currently do! I wouldn't mind if they lasted forever, unless I erase
> them.

I don't see it as a big issue, they scroll off when you get enough to
fill the queue. I don't think its timed. Anyone know? Anyway, I only
read notes on one character and having to delete them on others to avoid
reading duplicates is a pain, so I definitely don't want them all
staying until i delete them.
> Criterion: make quest prize tickets nodrop so they can't be put into
> bags which then get burned...
I try to avoid encouraging things that prevent you from doing stupid
things that only harm you. I just put 10 stars into my bag and if they
get burnt before I do something with them, then that's that many fewer
prizes I'll get, but its a risk I intentionally took. You do the same.
Clean inventory or dangerous pack. That said, its up to the person who
gives the tickets to make them nodrop so if they want its fine, although
when you want to redeem one and can't give it back, I'm going to laugh
at you and then kill you and take the ticket. Is it worth dying every
time you want to redeem one?

> Kitsune: there should be a command like "lookkey" that shows items /
> mobs in a room by keyword so that we have to type every word in
> description then resign in quite frustration when they all fail...

So you want a system designed to frustrate you? I suppose that makes
sense, that is why you play BR, isn't it? Now, switching from a literal
reading to a more reasonable one, no. Its up to the area writer how they
want to present the room and how hard they want to make it to use. If
you really want this ability then you need to work really hard and imm.

> Criterion: let's rewrite the socials... they read like they were
> written by love sick adolescents with raging hormones (in other words,
> perverts)

So get started. See help writesocial.
> Redeemer: give the kenders the skill of creating bombs, allowing them
> to causing damage to a mob while away from the room
Oh I can just imagine the fun that would cause...I'm not opposed to the
idea, it could be fun but my impression is it would be such a huge pain
that it will never happen. What if your bomb kills something? Experience
could be a pain, unless there was none, which I would like. Hmm, going
through an area filling it with landmines...I can see quest ideas:)

> Redeemer: allow players to catch a cold (some kind of weaken spell)
> and make it transmissible

I keep bugging various coding people for more transmissable spells like
plague, but they keep giving me this disparaging look and then smacking
me around. They are fun but they are annoying to create and maintain.
> Redeemer: have an award called Mort of the week or/and Hero of the
> week where you get to keep a timed equipment /weapon that melts within
> that week.. it can be used as a reward for something good you've done
> for the mud

Be interesting if time worked like that but right now it doesn't, its
based on time in BR so if you play a lot your new toy would melt the
first day, versus if you are rarely on you could still have it 2 years
later. Also, wouldn't having person of the day prizes cause resentment?
I mean, I know the other imms would be upset that I am the permanent
immortal of the week/month/year/decade.

> Criterion: i was thinking about my idea about having a statue of me
> erected at recall, and i realized i never mentioned that i wanted it
> to look like a renaissance style statue, but i'll be wearing surf
> shorts instead of a robe
The pigeons do need a new place to void.

> AMystery: we need a respect stat. kill something especially difficult
> for your level, get a respect bonus, defeat multiple opponents in the
> arena, +1, find the lost and very powerful sword with a +3 respect

Yeah, I said it. Its one of those pipe dreams but its a cute one.
> AMystery: change warn to list your current warns and their commands in
> addition to the syntax

This is pretty much an imm skill but I still like it so I'm going to
encourage it:)
> Disaster: there should be some sort of a message when soemone peeks
> you

What happens when peek fails on a mob? I'd think the mob would be
annoyed at you. So when peek fails on a person have the same thing,
except without the killing...

> -----------------------------------------
> Responses by Baltar:

> > Lehua: If you happen to kill yourself for any reason, immediate =
> > alignmennt adjustment to satanic... Since suicide is technically a =
> > mortal sin
> >
> > >>And whenever you use pray, immediate alignment adjustment to =
> > angelic... Since praying is religiously a good thing. No.
> Do I sense a Demon looking for an easy alignment fix?
> Baltar

It does make some sense and since having to kill yourself to lower your
alignment is pretty drastic and since demons don't get prayer, not that
they would want it. However, not all deities are positively aligned, so
wouldn't prayer be rather random? Same thing with sacrifice. Could be
nice to have sacrifice give alignment as one of its bonuses.

Kiri's WWW of URLs:

Neat pics: ... /index.htm

From Comatose, the Tolkien store

Sci-fi Fantasy books - link from Rhyme

Some beautiful photos - link from Rhyme. Some may be innappropriate for younger people, if nudity bothers you.

Your Starship Captain just might be a redneck if...
- your shuttlecraft has been up on blocks for over a month

- he paints flames and a NRA sticker on the warp nacelles

- you have a shuttle called "Billy Joe Bob"

- he refers to Klingons as "Critters"

- he refers to Photon Torpedoes as "Popguns"

- he has the sensor array repaired with a bent coathanger and aluminum foil

- he installs a set of bullhorns on the front of the saucer section

- he says "Got your ears on, good buddy" instead of "open hailing frequencies"

- he hangs fuzzy dice over the viewscreen

- he rewires his communicator into his belt buckle

- he keeps a six-pack under his command chair and a gun rack above it

- he says "Yee-Ha!" instead of "Engage"

- he has a hand-tooled holster for his phaser

- he insists on calling his executive officer "Bubba"

- he sets the fore viewscreen to reruns of "Bassmaster"

- he programs the food replicator for beer, ribs, and turnip greens

- he paints the starship John Deere green

- he refers to a Pulsar as a "Blue Light Special"

- he refers to the Mutara Nebula as a "swamp"

- his moonshine is stronger than Romulan Ale

- he sings "Lucille" instead of "Kathleen"

- his idea of dress uniform is CLEAN bib overalls

- he wears mirrored shades on the Bridge

- his idea of a "gas giant" is that big ol' XO Bubba after a meal of beans and weenies

- he sets phaser to "Cajun"
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Location: Madison, WI

Post by Everybody »

Criterion: have storekeepers who are closed say the MUD time they reopen.

I would like this, actually.
Criterion: extend the detect evil aura detection to mobs
Evil mobs DO show up with a (Red Aura) before them if you have detect evil on. It's just that there aren't all that many mobs with alignments below -350 (the borderline for being "evil") out there.
Your local know-it-all. ;)
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