This is a forum where you can ask Kiri anything. She will answer to the best of her ability. Others may answer as well, but Kiri will try to answer all reasonable questions. Do not feel limited by topic.
Maybe she is fishing for more expensive gifts. She thinks if she gives repeat and / or useless gifts, you will consider the meaning of gifts you give (to her especially) by considering the bad gifts you receive. So, she can get an upgrade next year, in theory.
Maybe that makes no sence at all... I guess I should let Kiri answer the Ask Kiri questions instead of confusing myself and potentially others.
Kiri, what am I trying to say?
"If you have a right to someone else's approval, then they do not have a right to their own opinions and values." - Dr. Thomas Sowell
Ah, but that would require her getting expensive gifts to begin with, which she doesn't. She is one of those "bargain" shoppers (not that there's anything wrong with finding a true bargain, however, she'll see something at Marshalls, or TJ MAXX or Mardens that's $.99, doesn't matter what it is, she'll see it, buy it and figure out who to give it to later, so technically there is no thought to half the gifts any of us recieve.)
Does any of that make sense?
~Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.~
ok, now would that be
1)a gold and silver watch intended to be worn by a cat?
2)a watch made out of gold and silver and cat?
3)a watch made out of gold and silver in the effigy/design of a cat?
i'm understandably curious here, and the level of my comiseration will depend on the answer...
"Freedom of speech" is not the same thing as "Freedom from consequences".
Kitsune wrote:Why is BR a no math zone? Are we forbidden to openly ponder questions with numbers in them, such as the quanity of wood a woodchuck could theoretically chuck? Will I be smoted on site for this post?
BR is a no-math zone because Kiri hates math. You are forbidden from pondering questions with numbers in them whilst I am online.
Scavenger wrote:I got an old mini beer stein from my grandma. (Of course, the $50 tucked inside of it was nice. )
Knowing your grandma, the stein probably was real and possibly worth something.
Depends on what you mean by "real", I suppose. I suspect it's from Germany but it also seems to be of very recent vintage. I don't think it's worth much. The reason I got it was because my brother got a ceramic statue of a red bull that he had always loved and she wanted to also give me something from her display shelf.