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Area idea

Post by Dose »

Can't promise this is original but I've always thought an area based on the inside of a computer would be cool. Traveling the paths of the electrons as only we computer geeks truely know ;) Anyway, my 2 cents.

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Post by Gandhi »

would be pretty cool i suppose, but i think they are trying to phase out all modern ideas/areas
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Post by Gandhi »

another idea I was thinking of would be an illithid area. Called The Underdark . Basically just an underground cavern area with a bunch of tunnels weaving around. The "boss" of the area would be an eldar brain. Their would be guards, elites, and citizens. Also have like other races their but as slaves and they walk around aimlessly. The only problem right now is that I was wondering on what spells mobs can have/use. I mean can they have intellect fortress, inertial barrier, and mb. Can they attack you with psionic blast and maybe even the elder brain use death field!!! The enterance could be (like I said) an underwater cave, so possible have it somewhere in the dark see, which the branches off into another area. I have a few ideas, but I don't want to get my hopes up yet sooooo ill wait. :D [/i]
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Post by kiri »

An illithid area would be neat, but I'm not sure they came from the Underdark.. isn't that drow?
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Post by Gandhi »

depends on where you want your fantasy. in some the drow, illithids, and some dwarves (The Gray Dwarves I think) all "spawned" form the same area, the underdark. Thus the drows, squids, and dwarfs all hate each other and will attack on site of one another... well that's my belief anyways
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Post by Everybody »

Forgotten Realms mythology... there's a large set of caverns far under the surface of the world - that's the Underdark - drow are the dominant race down in there, but the Duergar (gray or dark dwarves) and illithids also have large communities down there (not to mention roaming bands of goblin, or proliferations of "deep gnomes," and displacer beasts). The first trilogy of the Drizzt Do'urden series (Homeland, Exile, Sojourn) deals especially with the Underdark, and one or two of the later books at least mentions it.
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Post by Gandhi »

ya, what EB said :D
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Post by disaster »

in reference to the computer idea (which i believe was already dealt with as being modern and therefor not acceptible), i could have sworn that way back when there WAS an area like that. this was many, many moons ago, and i believe was taken out back before i'd heroed the first time, but does anyone recall the name of that area? my memory's pretty fuzzy on the subject.
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Post by xorex »

it was something like the alpha complex or alpha central i think. it had some good equ i think. my memory is really fuzzy on it.

[edit: the area i was thinking of was alpha complex. Scavenger's page, which hasn't been updated in almost seven years has directions to it as well some other old areas:]

[double edit: you also might like this write up by Gorzak and Quiver ... eadesc.txt ]
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Post by Exo »

we need an area in the realms that is similar to the shannara books, just my opinion though
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Post by kiri »

I don't know anything about those books. Care to tell us about them?
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Post by Croplin »

I was thinking of the same thing.
If anyone have read The Elfstones of Shannara, there is this valley where there lives two rival witches. That would probably be a nice area.

No sci-fi or modern, does that mean the RHPS, Les Miserables, Alandra are going to be removed?
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Post by kiri »

I don't think Les Mis or Alandra are modern, really.

As for RHPS, it's so much of an institution on the mud (and interestingly and well-written), it will be staying. Same with Cage and Aquarium and the grocery store. It would be a shame to get rid of them. However, no NEW modern areas will be added.

Post by Guest »

Exo wrote:we need an area in the realms that is similar to the shannara books, just my opinion though
I personally thought the newest series of Brooks' tales would make the most interesting tale, The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara.

My only reasoning is that his stories tend to take place over a HUGE expanse of area and not a lot happens in one particular location (Except a few cases).

It's been awhile since I read elfstones, so I don't remember the valley ith the witches. :oops:
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Post by disaster »

i am SO glad to hear you say that kiri :) i personally spend ALOT of time in alandra, les mis, and RHPS, and know atleast one whose favorite area is C&A. i'm glad to hear that they're going to be with us for a long time to come :D
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