I call them set merchants. These should be a new kind of merchant, different for different level-ranges and they should also pay more or less compared to where you find them and what race they like most. (An Avian merchant pays best to avians). They should not be buying items in the tradisional way.
When you go to the set merchant he gives you a bag and a list of items that he wants. The bag and list should be timed and the merchant tells you what (mud)time you must be back. Within this time you have to find as many of the items on the list as you can and return them to the set merchant. If you are to late the list, bag and all the items inside dissapears. You will get paid depending of how many items you have recieved and what difficult-level the items are.
Before you get the list and the bag you should have to choose from different difficulties:
Short-, long-list.
Basic-, hard- or exotic-items.
Much-, less-time.
The harder and longer list, the better chance of good payoff, if you find all items. And how fast you return the items should not matter, because you must choose how much time you want, from 15 minutes up to 2 hours.
The lists should be randomized from case to case, so that you can't stack up with 'the items he usually wants'. The list should also give a clue or say what area to find the item in. Everyone doesn't have an elf that can locate the items.
The pay should be GREAT if you find all items in a exotic, long, short of time list. If you miss just one item you should get much less money.
It should also be balanced how much money you get depending on the level-range and so on. The level ranges could be 1-10, 11-20... , and you should not be able to do "lists" from a set merchant outside you level-range, but the payoff is the same for a level 1 and a level 10. (If the merchant likes them both

This is probably very hard to code, but I think it would be worth the time. It would be FUN to earn money, and everyone can be able to get money for enhaces. Not only those with high level mortals or mort-demons.

-Croplin, more Jet!, more Jet!