My suggestion might not find approval from the powers that be, but it would save the humans from their identity crisis, and give more options to other races.
Let races choose a "theme" for their characters when they are created. Keep their skills/spells the same, but have the in guilds and oogs changed a little according to the initial decision of the player.
In this way, a human can be more similar to , but not exactly like, a thief, magic-user or martial artist. A fighter-inclined Human would get the barehands bonus in guild, but a magic-inclined Human would not.
(This is assuming that skills and spells are altered somewhat in the future.)
Also, this can be used for the other races. A magic-inclined Dwarf will never be as powerful as an Elf, but he/she can cast certain spells without oog penalties. I do not suggest that they get fireball and the like, but more fighter enhancing spells. Of course, this Dwarf would not have as many in guild fighting skills as a Dwarf with a strict fighter theme.
A magic-inclined Kender may sound a bit strange...perhaps Kender do not get a choice. The race of Kender are basically inclined toward thieving, or "borrowing", by their very definition. A Kender doesn't have the attention span necessary to study the mystic arts. Although, BR Kender are not exactly like the kender of Dragonlance, so who knows?
Heaven help the world caught in the clutches of a kender wizard.

Not all races would have the same choices because they are not all made the same.
So, let's devise more appropriate skills/spells for the races. Then give the players a little more control of what their characters are like. This is not "classes" exactly; it is more like an inclination towards one aspect of a particular race's natural abilities.