Offhand hits

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Offhand hits

Post by Smeagain »

Why is it that when i'm fighting mobs that are high enough to parry/dodge almost every hit the only hits that make it through are from my crappy offhand?

At first i thought it was just sods law or selective perception, but it definately hits or atleast gets past the parry and dodge better than my main hand. Is it because mobs can't mobs parry/dodge offhand hits or have a lower chance of doing so?

It's so frustrating tickling mobs to death when if your other hand was hitting instead the mob would be dead already lol
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Post by Lairian »

I'd like to blame Murphy, but I'll also throw out onto the table that a mob or a player can only dodge and parry 6 times a round. If you're dishing out hits that fast (or grouping), the offhand which may be going off after the primary hand, may be attacking when the mob has no dodges left.
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