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Post by Croplin »

I dont think it will end...
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Post by Anavrinman »

Actually, I was very dissappointed with that last book. When will he put out another, I hate waiting :?
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Post by Croplin »

I stopped read after about the 7th book... and I wont start again until he is done. I just fear he will die before...
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Post by Anavrinman »

How 'bout an area that's got an ancient Rome theme? Like the Circus Maximus, or Colosseum (that would be really cool, with all of the rooms and mazes and cages underneath the stadium), or Pompeii. Maybe even make an area from the Illiad (or Oddyssey, I can never remember which is Roman and which is Greek) like Tartarus (woohoo, we can have Tisiphone) or the Elysian Fields or even a couple of different "torture for eternity" things like Promethius who was chained to a rock and had his liver eaten out by a vulture every day. I took Latin for 4 years. Never learned a word of it, but the mythology and history was phenominal.

We could also do Troy! and have the big wooden horse and king minos, and hector and achilles and big serpants and Helen!

Or even Carthage, with all the elephants and stuff.

Man I'm getting good at this.
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Post by Everybody »

Troy would be the same as the Iliad. The Iliad and the Odyssey were both Greek, then subsumed into Roman/Latin later on (like the rest of Greek mythology). Elysian Fields and the general layout of the Greek underworld is already laid out in The Underworld, by Divebomb, although some of the more specific stories are generally lacking. And in any case, none of that should actually be included with an Iliad-themed area. But, I like that you're thinking of these, and areas based on the Iliad (or the Odyssey, or both) would be great, imo.
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Post by disaster »

i absolutely refuse to start reading that series untill the man either finishes or dies (i'm betting death comes first, probably at the hands of a distraught reader frustrated waiting for the next book)
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Post by Anavrinman »

I'm just suggesting an area based on the illiad. Troy is only one part of it. Believe me, I'm very familiar with the illiad. I've had to translate it from latin to english at least twice (and done my best to forget about it). As far as the Underworld, I can't say I've been there, but I'll check it out as soon as I get a chance.

How about Jason and the Argonauts? There's some cool stuff in there. The Golden Fleece and all. Giant bronze man-eating statues and hydras and such! Don't remember what else, it's been a while since I've seen that movie.

Also I don't know if there's a Val Hala(sp?) type area. Fight all of the Norse gods and such. I personally am not too terribly familiar with that (meaning, of course, not at all familiar), but with a little research, it can be done.
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Post by Croplin »

The only thing related to Valhalla in BR is Odin at Olympus and Yggdrasil (the world tree in Norse/Swedish mythology), for all I know. But an area based on it, inkluding a lot of Wikings would be cool. Personally I like the areas that isn't based on anything best, like The haunted manor, snakemen, implings... Faustus areas... I love them! Its much more cool to have areas unique to BR than having areas based on books, mythology, etc. Areas that already exsists in hunded different versions on other muds (probably).
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Post by disaster »

there's also a thor's hammer somewhere. quite a decent weapon actually, for those able to find it.
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