Code That I Want (for the mud's benefit, of course...)

Suggestions for additions and modifications to the existing Barren Realms code.
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Post by Comatose »

Stars wrote:
Leiland wrote:I mean, what self-respecting male dwarf would walk around in a frilly pink dress? And how is -any- man supposed to fit in dress designed for a skinny, cuvey woman?
Apparently, many men irl do not respect their selves...*shudder*

This may be too much info for you guys, but I once put on my girlfriend's underwear to surprise my girlfriend as a joke. She left me shortly after that. Hmm... Anyway, my point is that my gf was rather petite and I was a large man (6 feet tall and 175 lbs at the time), but I could still wear the tiny clothes, even though they were stretched to dimentions never intended.

This may surprise some of you guys, but I'm against gender-specific eq. I in no way advocate cross-dressing.
I do agree that with you about gender-specific eq not being a good idea. The only problem I had is the though of your story, about your girlfriends underwear, almost made me think it was a good idea.
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Post by Leiland »

Ok, just one more try, even though I know it'll never be seriously considered...

Gender specific eq to me makes a lot of sense, and is comparable to race specific eq. Dwarves are shorter and much bulkier than most humans, therefore a human should not be able to wear a dwarven breastplate, no? Well try fitting a manly body into a fitted -woman's- breastplate. I can assure you, you'll have a difficult time getting it onto your waist for one thing, and I'm not even going to mention the rest. In general, women are just a bit smaller around than men in some places, and quite a bit larger in some areas (the hips come to mind, and trust me, I know).

On a more magical side, in the Dark Crystal world, only females get wings. It's just how the gelfling race is. It makes no sense to me to have a bunch of guys running around wearing gelfling wings. Ok, I admit that it doesn't make much sense to have anyone wearing them, as you'd have to be born with them to really be able to use them, but this is a magical world. And if people can run around wearing Lord Vulture's wings, why not Kira's wings?

Anyway, that's the end of my hopeless cause. Carry on.
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Post by Cord »

I'm of the impression that gener-specific eq would be taking things a bit too far.

If Stars wants to wear ladies underwear, I say we let him. ;-)

(On a side note... I hate it when I post a reply without realizing there's a second page of replies it would be good to read before replying... but I guess the above original content still applies for the most part. So anyways. :-) )

(On another side note, I find it curious how sometimes a message gets flaged as "edited X time(s) in total" and sometimes it doesn't... is there some sort of 10 minute window where you can edit your message without it getting flaged, or...?)
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Post by Stars »

Cord wrote:If Stars wants to wear ladies underwear, I say we let him. ;-)
It is not as if I make a habit out of doing so. I did this once as a joke many years ago. I only said it to make the point that it is possible to wear womens's clothes even though they are much smaller.
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Post by kiri »

FOr faustus' original ideas, yes yes and yes.
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Post by disaster »

although it is true that women are generally smaller than men, the overlap is MUCH too wide to seriously consider any eq wearable by ALL women but NO men, or vice-versa (and lets not ever get started on the neuters, since they could be seen to be whatever body type they wanted to be). just take a look at a typical fashion magazine and then a woman on an olympic shotput team. a lot of those women could break me in half without breaking a sweat, no question about it, and much of their clothing would be a lose fit on me. i can see race-specific eq, since racial variations can be assumed to be much more extreme and consistant than sexual variations, but not sex-specific eq. the best i could see in terms of sexual effects would be anti-sneak/hide flags which would only affect one or two of the three sexes. a woman in a sexy leather bikini may very well be able to sneak about on the roof tops, but any male attempting the same would promptly trigger the gag responses of anyone he passed, making quite a disturbance. *smirk* i'm all for cross-dressing on BR. even in real life, if a guy has the self confidence to wear a dress in public, i can respect that. actually trying to look like a female i don't respect, since i feel that it just shows an extreme lack of confidence with who you are, but if a guy can wear a dress comfortably in public, that's something that i can respect.
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Post by Exo »

not to seem rude, but you people are all forgeting one thing.... WE HAVE NEUTERS ON THE REALMS!!!!! What about them, do they have the free reign to wear whatever the hell they want? but.... what would a neuter dwarf or a neuter illithid look like? what does an ill look like at all?
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Post by Anakin »

IllithidsThank God for Google. :roll:

Is there really such a thing as a 'neuter'? Is it like a shemale? I know it's neither a guy or a girl but how come we have this in the game? I think it would be better all in all to just have a male and a female gender but that's just me. *shrugs*
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Post by Stars »

A neuter can be whatever you want, I guess, but I was led to believe that they possess neither male nor female traits. It is also good for privacy if you don't want people to know your sex.
There is something about the hybrid word "shemale" that scares the heck out of me. What in the green earth is a shemale? Please, don't feel the greatest need to answer me. I am afraid I already know the answer and ignorance really is bliss after all.
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Post by Brodgar »

I've always been a fan of race specific equipment, and more specs (AI) for mobs to spice things up a bit. (I'm still waiting for roar and kungfu to go in)

However, I don't think BR should have gender specific equipment. Its not a problem I have by principle (I actually like the idea) but in practice it wouldn't work well with our code.

The idea of equipment that only works for certain races or genders is to add some flavor to the mud (and RP realism), variety to the eq lists, and to make your choice of race and gender even more meaningful. With the exception of rehero you can't change your race in midstride so you can use the dwarven platemail of drunkenness you envy so badly. If your not a dwarf, your SOL.

With change sex widely available, it just adds one more potion/pill/scroll that characters have to carry around. If there were consequences, say all gender based equipment gets destroyed when you change to the wrong sex... but thats just complicating things (and opens up some bug abuses) for a relatively small effect.

Our addition of neuter as a sex also creates some problems. What is neuter only clothing? etc.

I have seen this work well in other muds, I just don't think gender specific equipment quite fits BR. :(

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Post by Croplin »

I really like Faustus ideas.. as always :P But I also agree that there should be gender specific eq aswell, whatever.
:idea: About the magic resistance, why not make the white aura only affect physical damage and make another aura(or unseen) for magical damage.. otherwise the magic-parry idea i nice also.

:?: Question: Is there any race that can wear the eq from the impling village?
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Post by Solomnius »

I hear so many arguments about one race not fitting into another's EQ and womens EQ being too small to be worn by men...........
ok, here is a possible solution to all these problems:
if we have a flag/s on the eq specifying race/gender, and we give a blacksmith the power to modify the EQ to fit the bearer - we could make it cost more than a repair - all he does is hammer the EQ and add the appropriate flag - this is just a basic idea - we could make some blacksmiths only able to change certain flags - like regular eq that has a repair number, we could put a (changeble/not changeable flag) in other words if the item can not be repaired, it can not be changed.

just another ideA to kick start the thread and get the ideas flowing.
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Post by Joysinger »

i like this idea. it should be rather expensive, though.
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Post by Faustus »

Sorry to dissent, but I really feel that once race-specific equipment goes in with an area (and it will be in soon... the first area to use it is still in a drawn-out review phase), there should be no way for the "wrong" races to use it short of having an imm modify the flags as part of a quest prize.

The main point of race-specific EQ is to create some variety for what people use. Right now, there are a few well-known pieces of "good" eq for each slot at a few different levels. Everyone knows what they are, and everyone uses them. Thus, everyone looks the same and too many players are clones of one another. If there is, say, an especially nice helmet for dwarves only, dwarves will go for it, but other races will have to use different items. If a different race can use this item by paying the requisite sum of money, absolutely everyone will do so, because frankly, money is a joke on the mud and making something more difficult by giving it a high cost will only encourage to find places where treasure repops and bot it over and over again.

Racial equipent is meant to diversify the equipment pool, and letting people weasel their way around restrictions will destroy any diversity we can create.
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Post by AMystery »

I like all the ideas, but don't be dissin the neuters lest you become one through a tragic bit of slippage.

The race specific eq is something i have long wanted, i don't care about gender specific as it seems to take away some fun.

Now let me know when all of these cool flags are added to the area builder for those of us who are creative but get confused by the lack of buttons in notepad:)
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