July 3, 2003

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Post by Lairian »

Found that out pretty quick, neat trick (and well used in impling village).

As a general question, any chance of multislot equipment, or is this beyond the code's ken?
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Post by disaster »

there have been exceptions to the "only one wear location" thing, though they may have been bugs. leather backpacks used to have two wear locations, about body and held i think, and the result was a WIERD interaction with demon_wearable code that allowed demons to wear them. also, those annoying lights from the sylph seems to be wearable on many slots.
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Post by Everybody »

I'm sure we could implement it, it's just a matter of whether or not it's worth it... and that's up to Kiri and Slart.

As far as lights go in this debate, they're always strange, as there's no wear bit for <worn as light>. You can wear something as a light because it's type light (simple enough, right?). However, lights can also have other wear bits, which shouldn't activate because the correct spot for a light is as a light... which doesn't mean they don't activate, of course.
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