Continent Theme
- disaster
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- Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2003 12:47 am
- Location: the true north strong and free
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ok, a few of the things that i would really like...(and yes, i realize this is probably going to be an unrealistic wish list, atleast for a long time coming)
-one use keys
-!pass doors
-!track rooms
-!track mobs (the exact workings of both of these would need alot of working out-is it no track THROUGH the room, or no track TO the room?)
-!quit items
-the ability to have an items load at a specified level, even it it repops on a mob much higher in level (to provide decent challenge rewards to mortals)
-NOT fixing the illusion/inventory item bug (builders can easily just put on a timed and/or !quit flag, and give ills a littel advantage temporarily)
-setting the timer on items with a timed flag
***an updated explanation on how to use any of these proposed changes, as well as recent changes such as teleporters*** -sure, builders should have to get permission to use them first, but being able to understand how they work would be a real benefit to designers.
-one use keys
-!pass doors
-!track rooms
-!track mobs (the exact workings of both of these would need alot of working out-is it no track THROUGH the room, or no track TO the room?)
-!quit items
-the ability to have an items load at a specified level, even it it repops on a mob much higher in level (to provide decent challenge rewards to mortals)
-NOT fixing the illusion/inventory item bug (builders can easily just put on a timed and/or !quit flag, and give ills a littel advantage temporarily)
-setting the timer on items with a timed flag
***an updated explanation on how to use any of these proposed changes, as well as recent changes such as teleporters*** -sure, builders should have to get permission to use them first, but being able to understand how they work would be a real benefit to designers.
"Freedom of speech" is not the same thing as "Freedom from consequences".
Hidden exits and hidden chests (requiring a command to find them).
The other suggestions are loverly though.
I'm sorry, but I don't think ills should get an advantage like this. It's a bug, and it affects more than just a single area or two that would benefit from the cheap use of this spell. If a builder wants an item inventory, they've done it for a reason. I don't like this work-around.NOT fixing the illusion/inventory item bug (builders can easily just put on a timed and/or !quit flag, and give ills a littel advantage temporarily)
The other suggestions are loverly though.

Fine art is the only teacher except torture.
- George Bernard Shaw
- George Bernard Shaw
First, I'd like to say that, IMHO, it's very cool this idea is moving forward. I very much like it.
As for my suggestion of coding additions: I'd like to see a spec_assist for mobs that determines, independant of allignment, whether or not the mob will assist other _mobs_ or other _characters_ in a fight. So perhaps we'd need two: spec_assist_mob and spec_assist_char, where only one could be flagged be true.
As for my suggestion of coding additions: I'd like to see a spec_assist for mobs that determines, independant of allignment, whether or not the mob will assist other _mobs_ or other _characters_ in a fight. So perhaps we'd need two: spec_assist_mob and spec_assist_char, where only one could be flagged be true.
- disaster
- Needs Help
- Posts: 572
- Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2003 12:47 am
- Location: the true north strong and free
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what do you think db, along with your idea for no-hero areas, (which i don't much like, heroing is sposed to give greater access to things as a reward, not limit it) of coming up with mechanisms for allowing a player's heroes into an area only after first solving some sort of puzzle to be found within the area itself, only accesible by morts. this may be difficult to keep a handle on, but would probably work the same as the RCs, an individual thing only. as long as people knew that that information was not to be given out, most people would respect that. solving the puzzle would result in that character learning some sort of keyword, to be used to open the hero-door into the area. (would require code for a door openable not with a key, but with a password entered as $password perhaps?) this way, heroes can't use their super-powerful avatars to explore the area, but once they've already done so the "hard" way, as a mortal, they would earn the right to have their hero in the area too. (though of course not at the same time, as per standard rules).
also, a see_sneak ability for mobs would be a really nice addition, and perhaps a new (hero?) spell "detect sneak" as well.
also, a see_sneak ability for mobs would be a really nice addition, and perhaps a new (hero?) spell "detect sneak" as well.
"Freedom of speech" is not the same thing as "Freedom from consequences".
Most is not all. It only takes one. I also don't see how you can say hero is giving access to more. It does both, it gives you access to new areas never before attainable and, in the case of the continent, would remove access to others. You are given the freedom as a mort to gather equipment and gold and hand it out freely, you are not as a hero. It's just another long as people knew that that information was not to be given out, most people would respect that
The problem with allowing avatars and even heros at a certain level (probably 60 is enough) into the continent is they can circumvent any and every "challenge". They can take their big bad-ass character and mow through the area learning every nook and cranny with no danger to themselves. If heros cannot get in, they cannot explore it except with a player that is subject to a greater challenge - the whole point behind this idea in the first place.
Why do you think RC only allows demons in? It has nothing to do with the fact that only demons should care, it has to do with the fact that AVATARs of any race could have walked in and figured everything out. At least this way i've limited it to solely demons. If I had any foresight at all, I would have cut out hero demons, but I didn't - consider yourself lucky.

See sneak is also a must. I would prefer two levels of it, or a customizable amount - meaning a 50% chance to detect, a 75%, a 100%. I think a guard on watch should have the chance to detect, but I don't think it should be infallible. I think a sorceress, however, is probably probing with her magic for intruders in her fortress.
Fine art is the only teacher except torture.
- George Bernard Shaw
- George Bernard Shaw
I don't think I like this. The last thing I want to do is to give people another reason to want to hang around at a certain level and never hero. People who have done the right things and heroed their characters and play their heroes regularly should be able to at least look around. I don't want to tell people who've been doing things that we encourage that we have just added a bunch of cool new stuff and oh, by the way, you can't even SEE any of it unless you start another character and get it to level X.