oh, and as for 100 hero levels in under an hour, i can do it easy. i'm working on my druid for a litle while, but once i get suicide remorted again, i'll stop as soon as i hit 51 and wait to see you online so i can prove it joy

I think that really needs to be up to the area designers to use judiciously, as they see fit.Joysinger wrote:i'd like everything on the new continent to be untrackable. i'd also like
!pass door flags. no teleport/astral would also be great. for the whole thing.
i also think it'd be cool if you could quit anywhere on the continent, but if you did, you'd restart at recall, like mentioned before.(ok, maybe a special place in the main town/area of the continent instead of recall)
and maybe recalling itself should only be possible when you haven't wandered too far into the continent, as well.
*is all for making it hard and tricky*
Wait wait... does this mean the !pass door, !track, etc flags will go in?kiri wrote:I think that really needs to be up to the area designers to use judiciously, as they see fit.Joysinger wrote:i'd like everything on the new continent to be untrackable. i'd also like
!pass door flags. no teleport/astral would also be great. for the whole thing.
i also think it'd be cool if you could quit anywhere on the continent, but if you did, you'd restart at recall, like mentioned before.(ok, maybe a special place in the main town/area of the continent instead of recall)
and maybe recalling itself should only be possible when you haven't wandered too far into the continent, as well.
*is all for making it hard and tricky*