Illithids = Squids?
Illithids = Squids?
I've heard tons of people call illithids squids, but are they really squids?
I was reading the help file and it said there that Illith formed beasts (like Ciquala, Xor, Leviathan) from different parts of creatures he had slayed before. It's also mentioned that illithids have tentacles instead of arms, antennae, and big yellow eeky eyes squeezing from it's head (geez illithids looks worse than a Tom Green with his deer skin).
If I imagine illithids, they look more like a semi-frankenstein. So now, I call them Semfrank!
I was reading the help file and it said there that Illith formed beasts (like Ciquala, Xor, Leviathan) from different parts of creatures he had slayed before. It's also mentioned that illithids have tentacles instead of arms, antennae, and big yellow eeky eyes squeezing from it's head (geez illithids looks worse than a Tom Green with his deer skin).
If I imagine illithids, they look more like a semi-frankenstein. So now, I call them Semfrank!
It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world everday always just exactly fits in the newspaper.
-Jerry Seinfeld
-Jerry Seinfeld
Lol that's funny cause I too just recently (after our little discussion about the subject of ills) decided to read the help files for the ills. I noticed one the description like Anakin stated, and another thing that kind of bothered me was the fact that it says they still bare a grudge with the druids and yet isn't Vessendil full of squids/elves/druids who coexist to fight non-magic users? Just my twenty-five cents
If the stories of each races true, I'd still want to see an avian trying to mate when they see a human.
Hehe, I think it depends on the area maker whether they want to stick with the help file or not. Good point though, would be interesting to see druids using the emote 'push' or something when they see illithids. Or the illithids trying to socialize or make a conversation to other humans, making friends. Of course, these humans have always been the sexiest thing in the realms. Even birds have slept with them.
Hehe, I think it depends on the area maker whether they want to stick with the help file or not. Good point though, would be interesting to see druids using the emote 'push' or something when they see illithids. Or the illithids trying to socialize or make a conversation to other humans, making friends. Of course, these humans have always been the sexiest thing in the realms. Even birds have slept with them.

It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world everday always just exactly fits in the newspaper.
-Jerry Seinfeld
-Jerry Seinfeld
Illithids, as far as I know, first came about in the old D&D books (circa 1980). Therein, they are a psionic race from the Underdark (underground cavern system where one finds drow, dreugar, uber hulks, etc.).
Physiologically, they are much like humans, though with leathery rubbery skin (liken unto an octopus or squid) with heads shaped like skulls (bald, but a definite round human shape), black watery eyes, as if made of all pupil, and a ring of tentacles about a foot long around a beak where the jaw and mouth should be (as if their head was an octopus, almost). They have a larval stage where they grow in a community pool deep under the earth, and very old and powerful individuals return to the pool, and pseudo-die and rise from the pool once more as a Lithilich.
Sociologically, they spend most of their time being a shadow government to the world using mind control and illusions, and oten keep mentally dominated thrall as minions, usually adventurers stupid enough to try to raid their colonies. Popular pets (aside from humanoids) are the Umber Hulks native to the underdark; the ability to control these behemoths is what keeps their power within the underdark when their numbers are so small and so much of their lives is spent in the pool.
Then again, this very possably has absolutely nothing to do with BR.
Physiologically, they are much like humans, though with leathery rubbery skin (liken unto an octopus or squid) with heads shaped like skulls (bald, but a definite round human shape), black watery eyes, as if made of all pupil, and a ring of tentacles about a foot long around a beak where the jaw and mouth should be (as if their head was an octopus, almost). They have a larval stage where they grow in a community pool deep under the earth, and very old and powerful individuals return to the pool, and pseudo-die and rise from the pool once more as a Lithilich.
Sociologically, they spend most of their time being a shadow government to the world using mind control and illusions, and oten keep mentally dominated thrall as minions, usually adventurers stupid enough to try to raid their colonies. Popular pets (aside from humanoids) are the Umber Hulks native to the underdark; the ability to control these behemoths is what keeps their power within the underdark when their numbers are so small and so much of their lives is spent in the pool.
Then again, this very possably has absolutely nothing to do with BR.
Give 'er a go, if you are interested.
Some comparisons...
BR illithids do not have "octopus heads"; they have antennae, but that's about it. The only tenticles they have are their arms, unlike the d&d mind flayer which has (mostly) human looking arms and hands. BR illithids are supposedly peaceful, but d&d claims they are evil hermaphroditic brain eaters.
My guess is that the two are not the same, despite some similar skills and features, which is good imo. However, one thing I would like to see is the help file updated to reflect a darker side to our BR race. They are required to be evil in order to use their greatest spell, after all.
I would be happy to contribute to any new help files and descriptions if such a decision is made.
Give 'er a go, if you are interested.
Some comparisons...
BR illithids do not have "octopus heads"; they have antennae, but that's about it. The only tenticles they have are their arms, unlike the d&d mind flayer which has (mostly) human looking arms and hands. BR illithids are supposedly peaceful, but d&d claims they are evil hermaphroditic brain eaters.
My guess is that the two are not the same, despite some similar skills and features, which is good imo. However, one thing I would like to see is the help file updated to reflect a darker side to our BR race. They are required to be evil in order to use their greatest spell, after all.
I would be happy to contribute to any new help files and descriptions if such a decision is made.

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