Mud Nights, Quests, and Shenanigans!
Mud Nights, Quests, and Shenanigans!
Let's bring Mud Nights back! Let's all get together at a set time every week and log into Barren Realms to BS and have fun
Come rediscover the Realms and participate in quests!

Re: Mud Nights, Quests, and Shenanigans!
I'm in. But I'm on pretty often as it is.
You know, improving stuff and whatnot.

Your local know-it-all.
Your local know-it-all.

Re: Mud Nights, Quests, and Shenanigans!
sounds good to me.
Although the biggest problem is finding a day and time when everyone is able to get on
Although the biggest problem is finding a day and time when everyone is able to get on

"Such a mighty beard you have!"