TGAMES: Brain Vs. Brawn
TGAMES: Brain Vs. Brawn
Welcome players to the 2009 Barren Realms Team Games...
Brain Vs. Brawn!
Tgames officially starts at 10pm EST Friday Fri December 18th.
Rules Refresher for those who haven't played in a Tgames before.
Tgames is all about being part of a team. This means relying on your fellow players, not on your alternate characters.
No money, equipment or help of any kind (this includes spells like teleport, astral, summon, track, and locate) can come from
any of your characters other than your teams designated Tgames characters. Tgames is all about the fresh start.
Any cheating (even a solitary locate) will result in your disqualification, and Tgames historically have the best prizes of any Barren Realms Quests so I'd hate for you to miss out.
Any time after 10pm EST on Friday Dec 18th, you may create your Tgames character and post your characters name in this thread.
There are 3 possible prizes in Tgames.
The first team that has all of it's players reach 51 will win the Race to 51 prize.
The team with the most points from the Mini-Quests at the end of Tgames will win the Best Teammates Prize
Additionally any team that has all of its players reach 51 before the designated end of the quest will receive a completion prize.
Unfortunately, most Minigames Quests will occur after 8pm EST on weekdays or on weekends because of my schedule. Historically, however, this has not stopped players from other timezones from participating fully, and I will do my best to accommodate alternate schedules.
You have the right to drop out, anyone who drops out can be replaced by another player who is interested in playing. This hasn't worked
well in the past, however, so I hope you take your commitment to your team seriously and get yourself to 51.
Any player who reaches 51 can no longer assist your team in the Mini-Games or in any other way except moral support and advice, so think carefully before you cross the boundary of 51 and leave your teammates behind. We reserve the right to replace you if we feel you are not meeting your responsibilities to your team and someone else wants to play. However, reaching 51 is considered meeting those responsibilities
even if you did not participate in any of the Mini-Games.
This year's theme Brains vs. Brawn is a new spin on Tgames.
Instead of dividing the teams by color, with each player assigned a different race, both Teams will consist entirely of one race and
many of the Mini-Games will be based in some way around the theme of Brains vs. Brawn.
The two Teams of this years Tgames are as follows:
Hondaone_________ Sting
Your first Mini-Games quest will be a Description and Themes Quest to get you in character.
Starting after 10pm EST on Friday Dec 18th, please create your new Tgames character with an appropriate name based on either your
race (Borin Beergut, Slizzixplix, Rock, Tentacle, etc.) or your teams theme (Smartypants, Flex etc.)
Post your character's name and description in this thread when you are finished.
Bluestar and I will be judging your descriptions and names by the end of the weekend, so get started!
Brain Vs. Brawn!
Tgames officially starts at 10pm EST Friday Fri December 18th.
Rules Refresher for those who haven't played in a Tgames before.
Tgames is all about being part of a team. This means relying on your fellow players, not on your alternate characters.
No money, equipment or help of any kind (this includes spells like teleport, astral, summon, track, and locate) can come from
any of your characters other than your teams designated Tgames characters. Tgames is all about the fresh start.
Any cheating (even a solitary locate) will result in your disqualification, and Tgames historically have the best prizes of any Barren Realms Quests so I'd hate for you to miss out.
Any time after 10pm EST on Friday Dec 18th, you may create your Tgames character and post your characters name in this thread.
There are 3 possible prizes in Tgames.
The first team that has all of it's players reach 51 will win the Race to 51 prize.
The team with the most points from the Mini-Quests at the end of Tgames will win the Best Teammates Prize
Additionally any team that has all of its players reach 51 before the designated end of the quest will receive a completion prize.
Unfortunately, most Minigames Quests will occur after 8pm EST on weekdays or on weekends because of my schedule. Historically, however, this has not stopped players from other timezones from participating fully, and I will do my best to accommodate alternate schedules.
You have the right to drop out, anyone who drops out can be replaced by another player who is interested in playing. This hasn't worked
well in the past, however, so I hope you take your commitment to your team seriously and get yourself to 51.
Any player who reaches 51 can no longer assist your team in the Mini-Games or in any other way except moral support and advice, so think carefully before you cross the boundary of 51 and leave your teammates behind. We reserve the right to replace you if we feel you are not meeting your responsibilities to your team and someone else wants to play. However, reaching 51 is considered meeting those responsibilities
even if you did not participate in any of the Mini-Games.
This year's theme Brains vs. Brawn is a new spin on Tgames.
Instead of dividing the teams by color, with each player assigned a different race, both Teams will consist entirely of one race and
many of the Mini-Games will be based in some way around the theme of Brains vs. Brawn.
The two Teams of this years Tgames are as follows:
Hondaone_________ Sting
Your first Mini-Games quest will be a Description and Themes Quest to get you in character.
Starting after 10pm EST on Friday Dec 18th, please create your new Tgames character with an appropriate name based on either your
race (Borin Beergut, Slizzixplix, Rock, Tentacle, etc.) or your teams theme (Smartypants, Flex etc.)
Post your character's name and description in this thread when you are finished.
Bluestar and I will be judging your descriptions and names by the end of the weekend, so get started!
Berar Tunnelhewer
The Dwarf before you is of about average build but is in possesion of enough strength to smash through 8 inches of granite with his fist. He perfers to solve his problems with the massive brawn he posseses and thus usually smashes flat anything that gets in his path or raises his wrath. From humble beginnings in the Beor Mountains as a tunnel carver he grew restless and hungry for adventure. Berer departed his beloved city of Ligund to venture into the world in search of fame and glory (and the ultimate mug of ale).
The Dwarf before you is of about average build but is in possesion of enough strength to smash through 8 inches of granite with his fist. He perfers to solve his problems with the massive brawn he posseses and thus usually smashes flat anything that gets in his path or raises his wrath. From humble beginnings in the Beor Mountains as a tunnel carver he grew restless and hungry for adventure. Berer departed his beloved city of Ligund to venture into the world in search of fame and glory (and the ultimate mug of ale).
Ithquren the Mindflayer
Ithquren the Mindflayer
A gruesome creature in the eyes of others, this humanoid-like creature has a four-tentacled octopus-like head with pale white eyes. Standing over six feet tall, its bony exterior is covered in slimy purple-green skin from which a putrid aroma is released.
A gruesome creature in the eyes of others, this humanoid-like creature has a four-tentacled octopus-like head with pale white eyes. Standing over six feet tall, its bony exterior is covered in slimy purple-green skin from which a putrid aroma is released.
Curutaig Hammersward
Last of the line of Klorath's royal guard, the proud, bluff features of the Hammersward family are worn and drawn on Curutaig's face. Lines of steely gray interrupt the ruddy brown of his hair and beard. The latter is braided into a trio of long cords that the dwarf has tucked over his stout ale belly and into his belt. No other part of his appearance, however, shows him as out of fighting trim. His legs and arms are strongly muscled and bear the marks of his many battles fought attempting to reclaim Klorath from the goblins. A large, star-like web stretches across one creased cheek, pulling the near eye into a perpetually half-closed state. And it is those eyes that arrest one gazing upon him. A deep seated pain is always writ in their corners, and unyielding determination, unbending strength of will to continue fighting displayed in their bright blue depths.
Last of the line of Klorath's royal guard, the proud, bluff features of the Hammersward family are worn and drawn on Curutaig's face. Lines of steely gray interrupt the ruddy brown of his hair and beard. The latter is braided into a trio of long cords that the dwarf has tucked over his stout ale belly and into his belt. No other part of his appearance, however, shows him as out of fighting trim. His legs and arms are strongly muscled and bear the marks of his many battles fought attempting to reclaim Klorath from the goblins. A large, star-like web stretches across one creased cheek, pulling the near eye into a perpetually half-closed state. And it is those eyes that arrest one gazing upon him. A deep seated pain is always writ in their corners, and unyielding determination, unbending strength of will to continue fighting displayed in their bright blue depths.
Your local know-it-all.
Your local know-it-all.

MindFlayer Querxin
"The air surrounding you begins to shimmer, and in an instant, the dancing wavy distortion coalesces into a dark haze, enveloping you and sending sharp chills up your spine as if Death’s icy fingers were gripping your vital core, tracing their way up into your skull. Petrified and completely paralyzed, you topple over backwards, landing stiffly with a thud. A sharp, heavy force presses menacingly on your exposed throat, almost surely the razor-edge of a steel blade, except that your eyes catch glimpse of a figure hovering over you. Brilliant platinum locks seem to illuminate the just darkened room and crown the head of an indigo-skinned, humanoid figure—Human, except that in place of eyes there rest pearly clouded orbs in deeply set sockets, slits for nostrils and no nose to speak of, and dangling tentacles veiling a slimy orifice for a mouth. Broad shoulders connect sinewy, boneless arms to a cluster of squid-like fingers grasping the hilt of a blackened dagger. The creature’s enormous, elongated torso finally forks into what seems like legs, and you realize you have been pinned down by the neck under this column of metallic purple flesh, cloven at the foot and sharper than steel. The haze returns, and as the light again dies away, the cloudy pearls glow eerily in the dark abyss as a voice speaks directly into your mind, “It will be over soon…” Meet Mindflayer Querxin, Master of Psionic Warfare and Protector of Illith’s Sacred Magical Knowledge.
You have been Killed."
You have been Killed."
He stands absolutely motionless, a foot of air between the ground and his atrophy-curled legs. His tentacles trail listlessly behind him, the clubs upturned and limp. Even the deep purple skin and thick segments of antenna do not betray a twitch. But as his lantern eyes pass over you, you feel your every artifice pierced, every pretense stripped away, every hidden motive exposed. The gaze shifts but the sensation of nakedness remains--a nakedness that can never be covered.
P.S. Brod, you said last night that you kept thinking I was a dwarf when you saw the name "Node," but ironically I picked this name because I thought it evoked illithid-ness in several ways. Do you want a rationale for the name, or did you just say that because it wasn't an unpronounceable jumble like the other ill names?
He stands absolutely motionless, a foot of air between the ground and his atrophy-curled legs. His tentacles trail listlessly behind him, the clubs upturned and limp. Even the deep purple skin and thick segments of antenna do not betray a twitch. But as his lantern eyes pass over you, you feel your every artifice pierced, every pretense stripped away, every hidden motive exposed. The gaze shifts but the sensation of nakedness remains--a nakedness that can never be covered.
P.S. Brod, you said last night that you kept thinking I was a dwarf when you saw the name "Node," but ironically I picked this name because I thought it evoked illithid-ness in several ways. Do you want a rationale for the name, or did you just say that because it wasn't an unpronounceable jumble like the other ill names?

Iggygaxxix the Illithid
Iggygaxxix the Illithid
You see Iggygaxxix coming towards you. Your first impression is this:
Iggy is a young Illithid, having just survived ceremorphosis successfully. A typical Illithid, Iggy is purple-blue in color and slimy, with 4 tentacles. Fairly short, for an Illithid, Iggy towers at only 6 ft. tall, and looks skeletal-ly (or possibly supermodel-ly) thin. Iggy seems to have poorer than average Illithid hearing, which is already considered worse than humans - you may have to speak up! For some reason, sunlight does not bother Iggy, although the cultural hatred remains. It wears a simple, long black leather duster with the collar upturned, as if protecting against the wind. The coat looks worn in, and lacking any insignia or decoration. Iggy hails from the Black Mountain caverns, in the kingdom of Elegrost.
Iggy suddenly directs its limpid, pale gaze directly at you.
You don't have time for a second impression - in fact, you don't seem to have time for much of anything - in fact, who are you and what is time? In fa....
Iggy has taken over your mind. You are now a slave of the Illithids. In whatever part of your mind you may have left, be grateful you aren't food...
Iggy is looking for experience in the ways of the world (and delicious brains!). It has recently left its community to begin the wandering life. Iggy happened upon information for this contest in the (delicious!) mind of a lesser being, and decided to enter. After all, if *dwarves* can do it, certainly Iggy must be able to!
You see Iggygaxxix coming towards you. Your first impression is this:
Iggy is a young Illithid, having just survived ceremorphosis successfully. A typical Illithid, Iggy is purple-blue in color and slimy, with 4 tentacles. Fairly short, for an Illithid, Iggy towers at only 6 ft. tall, and looks skeletal-ly (or possibly supermodel-ly) thin. Iggy seems to have poorer than average Illithid hearing, which is already considered worse than humans - you may have to speak up! For some reason, sunlight does not bother Iggy, although the cultural hatred remains. It wears a simple, long black leather duster with the collar upturned, as if protecting against the wind. The coat looks worn in, and lacking any insignia or decoration. Iggy hails from the Black Mountain caverns, in the kingdom of Elegrost.
Iggy suddenly directs its limpid, pale gaze directly at you.
You don't have time for a second impression - in fact, you don't seem to have time for much of anything - in fact, who are you and what is time? In fa....
Iggy has taken over your mind. You are now a slave of the Illithids. In whatever part of your mind you may have left, be grateful you aren't food...
Iggy is looking for experience in the ways of the world (and delicious brains!). It has recently left its community to begin the wandering life. Iggy happened upon information for this contest in the (delicious!) mind of a lesser being, and decided to enter. After all, if *dwarves* can do it, certainly Iggy must be able to!
Maniac is a dwarf with a troubled past. When looking at him, he is shorter than averages dwarves, but this does not stifle his destructive power. Having been orphaned at birth in the middle of the Dark Forest, Maniac has never really had a real name. The name he goes by now is one that was given to him by those who have witnessed his violent acts. Always found directly in the middle of battle, Maniac has no fear of death and is willing to fight any foe.
Teorin Bigbelly, the Beligerently Brave
The first thing that strikes you when coming upon this hairy thing is his massive size. Surely no one
could swing an axe with a midsection that bulbous. A strange concoction of firebreather, beer, and sweat
surround this gruff looking fellow. His gaze swings to you and a hiccup accompanies his bleary eyed look.
All of a sudden a quiver takes over his body, and out erupts a colossus of a belch. The sonic boom that
occurs freezes you in place. A deafening roar stuns you even more as this dwarf bellows, "Teorin Bigbelly!"
Not a second later, a giant axe is stuck in front of your groin, a foot further and the downstroke would
have split you in half. As you get over the shock of what has happened, you realize that it appears that
the dwarf has tumbled from his stool and is snoring peacefully against the wall. You won't soon forget
the damage that that gigantic blade nearly did. Staying away from this dwarf seems paramount. If not
for safety, then at the least for nasal comfort.
The first thing that strikes you when coming upon this hairy thing is his massive size. Surely no one
could swing an axe with a midsection that bulbous. A strange concoction of firebreather, beer, and sweat
surround this gruff looking fellow. His gaze swings to you and a hiccup accompanies his bleary eyed look.
All of a sudden a quiver takes over his body, and out erupts a colossus of a belch. The sonic boom that
occurs freezes you in place. A deafening roar stuns you even more as this dwarf bellows, "Teorin Bigbelly!"
Not a second later, a giant axe is stuck in front of your groin, a foot further and the downstroke would
have split you in half. As you get over the shock of what has happened, you realize that it appears that
the dwarf has tumbled from his stool and is snoring peacefully against the wall. You won't soon forget
the damage that that gigantic blade nearly did. Staying away from this dwarf seems paramount. If not
for safety, then at the least for nasal comfort.
My modus operandi is amalgam
Dihtillich towers over you at seven feet tall. His skin is a dark
purple oozing with pus and mucus. He has a lanky frame and his
body looks rather frail like a mere human. However, his head is
a truly hideous sight--which resembles an octopus. Numerous tentacles
dangle in front of him nearly reaching his waist. He looks back at
you with his pale pearl like eyes and hastily turns away in disinterest.
purple oozing with pus and mucus. He has a lanky frame and his
body looks rather frail like a mere human. However, his head is
a truly hideous sight--which resembles an octopus. Numerous tentacles
dangle in front of him nearly reaching his waist. He looks back at
you with his pale pearl like eyes and hastily turns away in disinterest.
- Bluestar
- Mud Addict
- Posts: 447
- Joined: Thu Jul 03, 2003 8:43 pm
- Location: Everywhere and nowhere.....
- Contact:
Tanila Thunderaxe
The daughter of a radical pacifist sect of dwarves, Tanila grew up without her parents, who had tried to fight oncoming raiders by placing flowers on their weapons. She still wears a remembrance of them in the form of a daisy, braided into her long, blonde pigtails every morning. The equally elaborate braids on her beard are split into two parts, running down either side of her voluptuous chest, shown off to great effect by the low-cut blouses she prefers. Despite her initial upbringing of "make love, not war" - with 48 siblings, her parents were certainly believers -Tanila became the black sheep by joining the Hammersward cause to retake Klorath. Although a fierce warrior, wielding her dwarven hatchets with brutal efficiency, some opponents have claimed to see tears coursing down her cheeks, each felled enemy adding to their flow.
The daughter of a radical pacifist sect of dwarves, Tanila grew up without her parents, who had tried to fight oncoming raiders by placing flowers on their weapons. She still wears a remembrance of them in the form of a daisy, braided into her long, blonde pigtails every morning. The equally elaborate braids on her beard are split into two parts, running down either side of her voluptuous chest, shown off to great effect by the low-cut blouses she prefers. Despite her initial upbringing of "make love, not war" - with 48 siblings, her parents were certainly believers -Tanila became the black sheep by joining the Hammersward cause to retake Klorath. Although a fierce warrior, wielding her dwarven hatchets with brutal efficiency, some opponents have claimed to see tears coursing down her cheeks, each felled enemy adding to their flow.
~Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.~
-Ralph Waldo Emerson-
-Ralph Waldo Emerson-
I'm willing to be the first to say it:
THANK YOU!! Thank you Brodgar (and Bluestar, who helped set everything up until I joined and forced her to participate)!
I appreciate all your hard work, the time you spent both preparing for and running/managing each event. I had a lot of fun participating, because it was so well thought out.
A special thank you to Bluestar, whose random newsletter-y emails reminded me there was something worth coming back to! May I hopefully never drop completely off the radar again!
THANK YOU!! Thank you Brodgar (and Bluestar, who helped set everything up until I joined and forced her to participate)!
I appreciate all your hard work, the time you spent both preparing for and running/managing each event. I had a lot of fun participating, because it was so well thought out.
A special thank you to Bluestar, whose random newsletter-y emails reminded me there was something worth coming back to! May I hopefully never drop completely off the radar again!