Long delayed "Brothers" Sign Quest entries and res

This room is filled with cases containing numerous trophies that others have won in quests. Many quests have been run from here so that everyone can easily get here from recall and know where to meet. With any luck, you will get a trophy with your name in one of the cases as well.
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Long delayed "Brothers" Sign Quest entries and res

Post by Everybody »

From Enigma (2nd place):
Location.....On the Roof of the Daimyo's Mansion.
Time.........12am, Day of Hatred, Month of the Samurai, Crescent Moon

The following components are added into a cast iron pot while repetatively chanting "Yog-Sothoth F'ai Throdog". They are continuously mixed together in a solution of blood and urine by a bamboo staff with a crystal of tourmaline on top.

1) Hair from a lion's mane, burnt to ashes.
2) A fish eye, frozen in water from the Dark Sea
3) Skin flakes from a grotesque goblin.
4) A handful of copper shavings.
5) Sulfur, as pure as possible.


As the ashes and sulfur mix into the blood and urine, the scent of madness fills the air, pulsing with the name of Yog-Sothoth. The crescent moon's power as an agent of change, constrained by the honor of the samurai represented in the month and location eventually force the copper and skin flakes to merge into the bubbling mixture. As the fish's eye gradually combines to create an awful stew, the tourmaline begins to glow, and the gibbering voices of maddened spirits fill the air. With the Day of Hatred's rising from the nexus of midnight, a ferocity rises, calling on the kingly nature of the lion to form the concoction into a representative form. With the chant nearing completion, and the day turning, the tourmaline glows like a second sun, its bamboo staff falls to ash, and a crown of steel, encompassing insanity, ferocity and kingliness lies as the results of these efforts.
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From Ducci (1st place):

The incantation should ideally be performed on a burial ground overlooking a deep, placid pool under a full moon at midnight. I can't fit my schedule around that, so normally I just go down to the Calathar graveyard after a rainstorm. (Tip: If you squint at a half moon, it kind of looks full.)


1. Slaughter a she-camel for its lifeblood. I usually rent one, buy insurance, and then claim a dwarf killed it.

2. Add the sulfer, copper shavings, and camelblood to a steel bowl and heat. As the sulfer burns, lean over the concoction and deeply inhale. (You might want to let the apprentice do this part.)

3. Freeze the tourmaline with the breath of a frost drake and drop it into the mixture as the last of the copper goes molten. Don't worry, you can chip off the copper later and regift the crystal.

4. Go to the magic shop and buy a scroll that actually works. Just kidding.


(Brandishing the mixture.)

Yog-Sothoth F'ai Throdog. Hei ma'akajao-zha.

(Repeat 2x. Be sure to reverse Throdog's name--he doesn't want you wearing it out.)


(Dancing awkwardly.)

Hei ma'akajao-zha. Kata, cheiro, iofide, thee to worshe acheleou.

Kata, cheiro, iofide, thee to worshe acheleou. Hei ma'akajao-zha.

(IMPORTANT: Remember to do this final reversal if you don't want to summon something large and hungry!)


The burning sulfur, mixed with the copper shavings and camel's blood, brings a whiff of the deep desert with its scorching heat and toughened residents. When the frozen tourmaline hits the mixture, spires of copper suddenly rise from its edges. These spires expand into full spikes, wicked and deadly, as Yog-Sothoth's blessing is called upon the mixture, the coating within it spreading into otherwise thin layers. During the dance, these seem to hover above the bowl, separating, yet somehow still connected, until the final phrase is uttered, when the form becomes a set of plated, spiked armwear, looking ready to flay flesh from bone.
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Post by Everybody »

If people are actually curious, I'll also post the full text each of the Brothers had, as well as what was on the scroll (prize for the first part). Otherwise, I'll leave it as is. Thanks to both of you who went out and gave me a couple of great incantations!
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Post by ducci »

whew! i didn't get eaten. 8)
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Post by Everybody »

That's lucky of you. Taking liberties with the water and moon cycle almost drove those lovely copper spikes through your arms instead of making them wearable on your arms. ;)
Your local know-it-all. ;)
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