This is a forum where you can ask Kiri anything. She will answer to the best of her ability. Others may answer as well, but Kiri will try to answer all reasonable questions. Do not feel limited by topic.
I will be going on Hiatus, and i didnt know were to posgt this. My characters are Exo, Exe, Exu, Exi, Exa, Firebreeder, Demonlord, Exhile, Purpleskies and Extreemist.
I am happy to let girls indulge themselves using my body.
For future reference, hiatus applies only to heroes and above, and is recalculated automatically via a script (run whenever kiri happens to run it, which is why the hiatus vs. wizlist isn't always accurate). It does not protect you from being pwiped (even heroes), so still be sure to log all your characters in within the next 18 months.