This is a forum where you can ask Kiri anything. She will answer to the best of her ability. Others may answer as well, but Kiri will try to answer all reasonable questions. Do not feel limited by topic.
Once a character has been deleted due to a long period of inactivity (in this case...about one and a half years, is it at all possible to recover them? Myself, I had a few chars that seem to have been taken off.
Sorry, no... they've been pwiped. We deleted all extant records of who they were, what their stats were and what objects they had. Yes, it kind of sucks, but on the other hand, is it really that much trouble to log all your characters in every 18 months? Especially when the newsletter lists everyone up for pwipe, and we try to send an e-mail to the address in your profile before we do it.
speaking of which, friendly reminder: put an email address in your profile! very few of us are stalkers, adn it might keep you from getting pwiped *wink*
"Freedom of speech" is not the same thing as "Freedom from consequences".