If you could manage to stop, that would be an excellent way to avoid getting shot, as the shooter would be moving away from you at 17000 miles per hour, which is faster than the bullet travels so it would never reach you. That is just from the movement of earth around the sun, there is also the movement of the sun around the galacy, the galacy around the great attractor, and the attractor around the origin of the universe. In the end, the speed of earth is so minor as to be ignored in the calculations of net velocity and so it can be considered to be standing still while the sun rotates around us.When someone holds a gun and says not to move or they'll shoot, don't they realize that the Earth is hurdling through space at tremendous speeds, and everyone with it. It is beyond our power to stop moving. I guess the person has no choice but to shoot.
(Please check all answers with Kiri as she is the expert on things trivial)