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IDEAS - feel free to reply to these:
Home: for demons when a you get a new limb that will replace a rotten one, it sould say that its growing under
the rotten one. i hate haveing a good limb replaced by something when i think its going to take over a rotten spot.
Invision: a followlist, lets you see the names of everyone following you
Rhyme: when you bamf a mob successfully, all of their equipment and gold fall to the ground.

Twinkie: clean up the syntax so you either always use quotes or never use quotes for two word spells. e.g. prac and
cast have different syntax. always using quotes seems more practical
These characters must log in or will lose their characters after 1 1/2 years of not logging in:
Alark, Avantine, Bigpotpie, Bleschu, Bloodmaul, Boc, Booya, Bushwack, Cerius, Chromium, Covington, Danor, Deadlydwarf,
Eeek, Ender, Fall, Fierce, Gabriella, Goldensun, Gundam, Gypsyb, Harmeny, Headcleaver, Hoosier, Iorek, Janie, Jimmyc,
Kire, Lowcarb, Marian, Niki, Nimbus, Nimyn, Pepe, Sammantha, Silverstar, Solitude, Spyke, Straad, Tea, Thordain, Tnviking,
Tsunami, Vantor, Wasabe, Zaxxon, Zhade
Article by Bluestar:
Good evening, and welcome to another addition of BR News. I'm your
host Blue. On today's show we have a very special guest. He was once
known for the dangerous life he led in the form of drug dealing, but
he now spends his days selling maps to different areas throughout the
Realms. We're very happy to have him here today, so everyone put your
hands together for Aod the Dealer!!!!
Aod: Thank you Blue, it's a pleasure to be here today.
Blue: We're glad to have you Aod. So tell me, how is this new endeavor
of map selling working out for you? Do you miss the days of dealing
Aod: Well Blue, I can tell you some of the things that I don't miss.
For one, people don't try to kill me anymore, that is always a good
thing in my book.
Blue: * laugh * I can imagine! Please go on.
Aod: Well, that's it really. When I was a drug dealer I could make
money much quicker, today I wander around Calathar rather aimlessly
hoping someone will want a map. It's a slow business. Also when I
changed businesses, I had to get rid of my condom, it was scaring away
the customers. Do you realize how hard that makes it on me? There are
a lot of very attractive women running around Barren Realms you know.
All I can offer them are some topographical maps… [While Aod says this
last comment he looks as though he is in deep thought about those
particular maps…]
Blue: I see. Well, that does seem like it might be rather difficult
for you. Have you ever considered being a one-woman man?
Aod: [He starts laughing hysterically here and needs 15 minutes to
calm back down to a point where he can once again speak]
Blue: Well I guess that answers my question…. Monogamy is not anywhere
in the picture for you then.
Aod: [dead silence]
Blue: Moving right along then! Do you have any advice for other drug
dealers that might want to get out of the business?
Aod: [Again starts laughing and then begins to twitch] Don't do it
man! Look where it's left me! Drugless, condomless, womanless!!!!
[Starts to sob]
Blue: Okay then…. Well this has been another addition of BR News, I'm
your host Blue, stay tuned next week when we investigate what is
really in those pot pies that we all know and love, and remember, BR
News has got your back.
Blue: [Thinks she is off camera] Where are those writers? We need a
better closing line. I mean, who the heck came up with, "BR News has
got your back," anyway? Geeze! What do I pay you fools for?!?
Kiri's WWW of urls:
Chocobo dance! Care of Scavenger
A fascinating political theater project
From Scave, the name says it all
The most amazing paper you will ever see
From Dove:
My Housekeeping Philosophy
1. I don't do windows because ... I love birds and don't want one to run into a clean window and get hurt. (I am compassionate)
2. I don't wax floors because ... I am terrified a guest will slip, hurt themselves, I'll feel terrible and they may sue me. (I am careful and poor)
3. I don't mind the dust bunnies because ... they are very good company, I have named most of them, and they agree with everything I say. (I am imaginative)
4. I don't disturb cobwebs because ... I want every creature to have a home of their own and my family loves spiders. (I am kind)
5. I don't Spring Clean because ... I love all the seasons and I don't want the others to get jealous. (I am fair minded)
6. I don't plant a garden because ... I don't want to get in God's way, he is an excellent designer. (I am courteous)
7. I don't put things away because ... my family will never be able to find them again. (I am considerate)
8. I don't do gourmet meals when I entertain because .... I don't want my guests to stress out over what to make when they invite me over for dinner.
9. I don't iron because ... I choose to believe them when they say "Permanent Press". (I am trusting)