Two top ten lists

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Two top ten lists

Post by Slart »

I don't know where else to put this request to make sure everyone gets it, but here it is. I'm requesting that you, the builders (and you know who you are) put your heads together and compile two top ten lists: the top ten new area support features desired, in order of importance, one considering difficulty/time of implementation and the other without any consideration at all to those issues.

I'd ideally like to get just one copy of the two lists, approved by the builders as a whole. By new features, I mean ones not currently in the game. If it's not in the game, and you want it in the game, please get it on the list whether it's been approved in principle or for the continent or even if it's been flatly refused outright many times.

I delegate the responsibility of speaking to all the people who need spoken to, collecting all the various input, assembling it into two lists, reaching consensus on the final lists, and getting them back to me to whomsoever thinks they want it. ;)
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Post by kiri »

why has no one answered this?
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Post by Faustus »

If I remember correctly, this developed into a brainstorming session online amongst a number of the builders with Slart sitting in with us. Of course, I could be remembering things wrong. Slart can confirm or deny my story...
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Post by Stars »

I would like to see this list as well. It would help me a lot, giving me an idea of what is to come as I work on my areas. In fact, I have been waiting on this.

I don't remember the first post from Slart when it came out.
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Post by Solomnius »

is the list you want similar to the list kiri writes in the thread ... c&start=15

or was it something else you were after?
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Post by Lari »

I'm interested in this as well. Is this still being worked on or is this a dead topic?
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Post by Slart »

I have a few of the ideas that have seen the most discussion in my head, but I'd still like it a lot if some of the builders most interested in this kind of thing would get together and send me or post here something that's written out explicitly. I'll be getting to this with more force sometime this summer and it'd be best for me if all the ideas we have were in one easily accessible place and format.
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Post by Solomnius »

Slart write:

I'm requesting that you, the builders (and you know who you are) put your heads together and compile two top ten lists
I know who i am, i want to be a builder, who else is interested in being part of the builders who help to compile this list?
We need some names, who are you?

All in favour of their participation say 'aye'
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Post by disaster »

i'm happy to be involved, though my experience with building is still limited to stuff i have in the works i haven't gotten anything finished yet
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Post by Everybody »

Seeing as this was going nowhere, I took it upon myself to at least get the ball rolling.
Any and all builders are requested to add their input to the (new) topic I'm putting up in this forum.
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