Untitled by Fia (Quest Entry)
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 1:00 pm
Most dragons are mean,
Most dragons are green.
My dragon is green,
but is surely not mean.
Dragons, they fly in the sky,
When Dragons Fly,
They scorch the sky,
Their beauty and thier gracefulness,
But never the less,
When dragons fly,
the day will never die...
Many dragons are rough,
and look very tough.
Dragons wings are so long,
and are very, very strong.
Dragons are kings,
not the kind that have many things
Most dragons are green.
My dragon is green,
but is surely not mean.
Dragons, they fly in the sky,
When Dragons Fly,
They scorch the sky,
Their beauty and thier gracefulness,
But never the less,
When dragons fly,
the day will never die...
Many dragons are rough,
and look very tough.
Dragons wings are so long,
and are very, very strong.
Dragons are kings,
not the kind that have many things
