Untitled by Moonstone (Quest Entry)

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Untitled by Moonstone (Quest Entry)

Post by Bluestar »

As I search This World Around,
I search for what can't be found,
The meaning of this word called Love,
I look towards the the Stars Above,
Searching always but never finding,
My heart ackes and always binding,
I need to find this more than ever,
To Find it I must be clever,
For It does not come when ones aware,
But when its gone the Heart will Tear,
Why must I be tormented like this,
For I Only want to feel that bliss,
Once I had the truth once told,
But Lost it to anothers hold,
To cry would have been unbearing,
When I Found love Uncaring,
So I got myself up off my pearch,
To continue, to Forever Search.

~Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.~

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-
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