Untitled by Disciples (Quest Entry)

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Untitled by Disciples (Quest Entry)

Post by Bluestar »

A Dwarf called Disciples was new on BR
he wanted to level & get very far
to be an immortal was his only dream
to be as cool as the others he'd seen
He loves BR more that visiting mars
His favourite imm's are EB & stars

At level 30 he first met Bluestar
who became his favourite mortal, favourite by far
Bluestar gave him all the help he's ever wanted
even saved him from, being badly slaughtered
when he heroed there was a message from Bluestar
it said 'gratz for heroing, hooray, hoorah!'

It was then he met Stars & Everybody
they were the nicest immortals he could see
as it was his first time, they helped all the while
and made sure his face, always had a smile
at lv100 he was congratulated by Kiri
shaking hands with the Empress, made his face all dreamy

That gave him more spirit and he levelled like mad
He almost forgot the meaning of 'sad'
Its all thanx to Stars, Bluestar & EB
he's the quickest newbie to immortal, they ever did see
He's now the nicest he ever did be,
to help others, like they helped me.

~Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.~

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-
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