Favorite Mob

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Favorite Mob

Post by xorex »

here's a copy of a note i posted to all today

Hello everyone, I am curious what everyone's favorite mobs are here
on barren realms. To find out, I am asking for anyone who has a
favorite mob or two to send in to me a little explanation of why they
like this particular mob so much. I would prefer more explanation
than simply because the mob carries a specific item. this is not
really a quest but if your answer is well thought out I will give you
some kind of prize. Send in your answer any way you want to and
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Post by Everybody »

The Mauve Dragon in Castle in the Clouds. Just because he's mauve, and his description fits nicely into that.
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Post by Slart »

I don't know if I can pick just one...the mauve dragon that EB pointed out is up there; I still enjoy sending people off to look for that one. Several others off the top of my head, in no particular order...

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
The tiny grey mouse
Pele, god of fire
a towering, black scaled demon
the mimic
the mayor's wife
the idiot
Ana Ng
Stephen Hawking
Mr. Smithy
a Nerd
the head of Draco
Marshall Diana
the living wall
the astral guardian
a protesting elf
the City Guard Commander
Grand Abbot

I'm sure I'm leaving out some good ones...
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Post by Stars »

A street cow...
Who the heck thinks up a street-sweeping cow?

I thought it was hilarious slaughtering helpless smurfs when I first started mudding. I imagined them happily skipping down the road, singing...

La laa la la la...*gurrrk!*

Slart mentioned some good ones too. I do not have a "favorite" mob, but there are a lot of clever ones that I apprectiate.
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Post by Lairian »

The Black Scaled Demon is just messed up. Mostly due to where he is.

I greatly dislike "death traps" that don't neccessarily work.

Anyway, back to topic, I really like Evil Iggy...he took me back to a time I had forgotten.

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Post by Cord »

I dunno... I always got a real big kick out of throwing fireballs at Big Bird...
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Post by Nyteshade »

Divebomb is my favorite mob he's so squishy *pokes DB*
:twisted: lol :twisted:
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favorite mob

Post by Leiland »

I recently found a new favorite mob. It's just great! Thing is, I can't tell anyone about this wonderful mob because it would ruin Lairian's upcoming quest. Yes, that's right. He's working on a quest. And you can bet your socks it'll be good! I know, I'm sponsoring. And have I -ever- sponsored a bad quest? 8)

Anyway... gotta love publicity stunts... Watch for it!
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Post by Joysinger »

hmm, up there would be kostchtchie. and when it still existed, chiapet :)
kostie because the name's just great. and it's really easy to kick his butt on here, too. *knows a mud where it isn't that easily possible and hates him there - luckily stopped playing* the mauve dragon's also cool. and of course, i like the whole rhps, as i loved the movie! :)
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Post by Stars »

Joysinger wrote:and of course, i like the whole rhps, as i loved the movie! :)
I still don't understand why or how that movie is cool.
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Post by RadicalEd »

The little grey mouse is my particular favorite. Its cute and small and hording jewels and trinkets. But its what you see when you take a closer look that's amazing... GOD! =), i rolled when i first noticed that =)
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Post by Anakin »

My two favorite mobs would be Sleeping Beauty, and Virgo (the one from the Galaxy, if we have more than one Virgo). Why? Check their short/long descs, add the description of the room to spice it up. :)
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Post by Croplin »

The City Guard Commander, is without a doubt my favourite mob, because he always seems so very happy. Its very sad that hes not around very much anymore.
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Post by Belle »

I'm going to have to go with King Kandy. When I was working on reaching hero my group and I had the best time going up the tower and whooping up on him. He's also got all that great loot.
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Post by disaster »

teh duke of malathar is good too, i love seeing him say he's a mud addict ;)
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