Continent Theme

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Post by Slart »

Many, many, many people already had an avatar character at hand. Plus, we graciously offered -- at the cost of many, many, many headaches down the road -- to allow people to have their characters restored when they either gave up or avatared the demon character. This removed an objection many people had to using their prized avatar character for remort. Almost all the people remort was intended to reward were able to begin playing immediately.

We could have had remort without offering the char restore, but then everyone would have had to have started another character and avatared THAT one to play demons. That would have been a huge barrier to anyone bothering to try them out in the first place.

Finally, since you can only remort at avatar, demons didn't give anyone an incentive to NOT level.
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Post by Divebomb »

Like i already said, RC (Revenant Consecration) doesnt allow anyone but demons in. In that case, you have to be a minimum level instead of a maximum level, but it's the same concept.

Just because there's nothing for an elf to take from the area that's useful, doesn't mean an elf doesn't want to be in there to poke around.
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Post by Shonsu »

Divebomb wrote:Like i already said, RC (Revenant Consecration) doesnt allow anyone but demons in. In that case, you have to be a minimum level instead of a maximum level, but it's the same concept.

Just because there's nothing for an elf to take from the area that's useful, doesn't mean an elf doesn't want to be in there to poke around.
Actually there isuseful eq for an elf in RC but i won't post it here for fear of getting slain a million times by DB. :) . but it becomes personalized to the demon that kills the mob. so an elf will never beable to get it unless it is a quest prize.
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Post by Everybody »

Before moving forward to building an area for this (or, possibly, adapting an area in the works to fit into the continent, instead), I have a couple questions I feel are relevant: what was the final decision on how players would get there? and Are we planning on building a central city (a Calathar-equivalent) to expand from. Partly, I'm just curious, but it also has some impact as to how I would lay out an area.
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