New Things

Suggestions for additions and modifications to the existing Barren Realms code.
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New Things

Post by Relo »

I really love playing Barren Realms, it's my first MUD I have ever played and I plan on playing for a long time. Though, seeing that there aren't many people playing now-a-days, and it's very sad since people are missing out. I just thought that if some more things were added in, it'll attract a larger amount of people who really are interested in playing.

Some things I thought about being added into BR:
1. A post office:
- A mob in which you are able to send items from one player to another from all across the realms. Send <item> <player> and they would receive it. It'll cost a little amount of money, but it would be interesting.

2. A good auction system:
- Instead of actually talking on the auction channel, there should be an automated system. The seller types " Auction <item> <starting price>" and then there will be a message such as, "Relo is auctioning <item name> at the amount of <price>." If someone wishes to bid, they do so using "bid <item> <price>." Only one item will be allowed to auction at a time, and if the item doesn't sell it'll be sent back to the seller within a certain amount of time. If it is sold, the item will be sent automatically to the buyer and the money will be sent automatically to the seller.

3. Mobile Technology:
- I'd think it would be cool if some mobiles would be able to say messages. If you're going around an area, you can walk into a room with a mob and they would say a line like, "I wish I were out of this place already!" Of course, the coder will do whatever he pleases to whichever mobs he wants to. Just a cute thing i think would be fun.

4. A Quest Mobile
- Yes, maybe very hard to code (I don't know) but would make BR very entertaining and fun! There will be a mob somewhere in Calathar and they will assign quests to you. Maybe the quests would say to go kill a mob in a certain area before a certain time. You would be awarded with quest points or tokens that are non-transferable (put in your score) and can purchase items that the quest mobile sells. Maybe he'd sell nice eq, renames, or other things like that.

Please do not get angry at me for just putting down ideas of what would be neat. I do not think that BR is a crappy MUD, otherwise I wouldn't have been here for the past 5 year. I just love BR so much that I want more people to come play, and for more people to come play you need more fun and exciting things.

P.S. If you have any more things you'd like to suggest, please write them here and maybe something will be done.

P.P.S. I did get some ideas from other MUDs i looked at.

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Re: New Things

Post by Bluestar »

Relo wrote:I really love playing Barren Realms, it's my first MUD I have ever played and I plan on playing for a long time. Though, seeing that there aren't many people playing now-a-days, and it's very sad since people are missing out. I just thought that if some more things were added in, it'll attract a larger amount of people who really are interested in playing.

Some things I thought about being added into BR:
1. A post office:
- A mob in which you are able to send items from one player to another from all across the realms. Send <item> <player> and they would receive it. It'll cost a little amount of money, but it would be interesting.

2. A good auction system:
- Instead of actually talking on the auction channel, there should be an automated system. The seller types " Auction <item> <starting price>" and then there will be a message such as, "Relo is auctioning <item name> at the amount of <price>." If someone wishes to bid, they do so using "bid <item> <price>." Only one item will be allowed to auction at a time, and if the item doesn't sell it'll be sent back to the seller within a certain amount of time. If it is sold, the item will be sent automatically to the buyer and the money will be sent automatically to the seller.

3. Mobile Technology:
- I'd think it would be cool if some mobiles would be able to say messages. If you're going around an area, you can walk into a room with a mob and they would say a line like, "I wish I were out of this place already!" Of course, the coder will do whatever he pleases to whichever mobs he wants to. Just a cute thing i think would be fun.

4. A Quest Mobile
- Yes, maybe very hard to code (I don't know) but would make BR very entertaining and fun! There will be a mob somewhere in Calathar and they will assign quests to you. Maybe the quests would say to go kill a mob in a certain area before a certain time. You would be awarded with quest points or tokens that are non-transferable (put in your score) and can purchase items that the quest mobile sells. Maybe he'd sell nice eq, renames, or other things like that.

Please do not get angry at me for just putting down ideas of what would be neat. I do not think that BR is a crappy MUD, otherwise I wouldn't have been here for the past 5 year. I just love BR so much that I want more people to come play, and for more people to come play you need more fun and exciting things.

P.S. If you have any more things you'd like to suggest, please write them here and maybe something will be done.

P.P.S. I did get some ideas from other MUDs i looked at.

Relo, why would anyone get mad at you for putting down ideas? That's the whole point of this forum :) The only one I really have a comment about is the auction one. Not a bad idea...if BR had an active auctioning population. It's just not something the players tend to use a whole lot. Otherwise, your ideas are very interesting :)
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Post by Everybody »

Actually, most of those ideas have been kicked around at various times in the past. And, while I agree with the sentiment, and even with implementing most of the ideas, there are a couple problems. The big one right now is that we don't have a coder, essentially, so no improvements of any sort are being made. The other part of it is our previous policy (towards mobprogs which is essentially what #3 and #4 are), which was that, in the interests of stability, we don't have/don't use them. Scavenger's take on these may change this policy. (Mobprogs in their initial incarnation in Merc were terribly buggy, would crash the mud like crazy, and, to reimplement them, would require some fairly serious work, not to mention a much higher standard of area checking, particularly by people who know what they're doing. So there're some issues there.) Finally, we're not terribly interested, from a coding point of view, in implementing things that there's not much demand for. We'd rather put in really nifty new things that people particularly appreciate (unless it's a bug fix or something that takes very little time to change). On the flip side of this last bit, if we put in a good post office/auction system (especially one more similar to WoW, where you can give a length of time, and a minimum bid to make, and then let people see what's currently being auctioned via different parts of the auction command), more people might use them. So, very catch-22.
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Some More

Post by Relo »

Just bringing up some other things, since I believe it is the correct time to do so.

1. Pass_Proof Doors:
- It would be nice to have pass_proof doors maybe for the people who like to create areas with many little puzzles (i.e. Siberfels). It would make it harder to solve instead of just "poofing through."

2. No_Destroy Containers
- Since there are no_destroy pieces of equipment, why not have it for containers? It's just a pain to have all your containers be burnt to shreds, but maybe that's just another aspect that makes BR harder. But maybe we should just have avatars have a spell that puts a no_destroy flag on their containers, just because most of them like to save items. Just a suggestion...

I don't know if these have come up in the past, but like I said's the right time for coding!

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Post by yunioko »

We should make more pets. Also better vehicles.. Yeah. Fun :wink:
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Re: OoOOOooo

Post by Relo »

yunioko wrote:We should make more pets. Also better vehicles.. Yeah. Fun :wink:
We already have many pets, in many different towns. Go explore Yuni! :D
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Post by Everybody »

Vehicles are basically all broken because the area file that had their info in them got minorly corrupted and we haven't fixed it, yet. Pass proof doors have been suggested and approved, it's just a matter of getting someone to do it. Relo's right: there are lots and lots (and lots) of pets in the realms, you just have to find out where they're sold. And, technically, !destroy eq is a bug (from our current standpoint), so !destroy containers, while useful and neat for avatars, certainly isn't going to happen for anyone else. (If you're really that worried about losing special eq, level up an alt to hero, and use it as a mule char.)
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Post by Anakin »

slart went MIA too? :shock:
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Post by Bluestar »

You're just figuring this out?

Slart left like a year ago
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Post by Anakin »

I would know that, huh? lol :roll:
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Post by Joysinger »

no matter what game logic might imply, queststamped items should always be !burn automatically. alternately, there should be perm prot items that you must wear to prevent EQ poofing. but yeah, that's all been tossed around a lot already thoughtwise.
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Tents on the Move?

Post by Relo »

Something nice that would add a little touch to the gameplay would be better version of tents. I believe bigger versions of them should be made, and then for a quest prize, we should be able to change the description to what we want. I don't know if imms are allowed to do so, but that's just a guess.
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A Couple More Things

Post by Relo »

1-Long Distance Socials:
Since we could send tells to each other, why can't we use socials over long distances? You'd just do the same normal thing, but it would still get to the player across the Realms.

Ex: I want to smile to someone that just came on BR, I'd type:
smile <person>...and it would say:
From across the Realms, you <normal smile message>

I'd like there to be the portal option put into areas just like the mouth in Rocky Horror Picture Show. I'd think it would make areas more organized and much more fun.

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Post by Relo »

Something cool, and lots of fun to have around. Merging, when you take one or more items with a _merge_ flag on it and putting them together to make a nicer, stronger item.

An example:
Ring of Truth + Ring of Wisdom + Ring of Love = Ring of the Ancients
(merge truth wisdom love)

Just thought it would be nice, to have different levels of equipment.

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my notes

Post by AMystery »

Of Relo's original ideas, the one I most enjoy is the post office just because I would use it and I can see it being useful for turning in quest gear and delivering prizes. Our late night players would probably appreciate it.

Fixing vehicles would be nice. Indestructible containers would be appreciated. I would certainly find uses for !pass doors.

I don't want to change the auction system just because I like how it is free form and think it would be used even less if it had strict syntax. The quest mobile wouldn't really work without constant updates. People would figure out the entire list of quests and publish it and that would be the end of the challenge. Mob actions are nice, but a huge pain to work with.

Merging equipment could be interesting. I don't think it is practical to create because how would you determine stats on the new item? Or what it could combine with? Or what the new one will be called. You could have random names and some kind of random generation of stats, taking into account the original items. I can see some interesting ways to use this if it was done, but I won't be holding my breath.

Long distance socials should be rather trivial to create but I'm not sure I'd want them. When I'm in a room by with one other person or mob, I only want to see global information such as chats, information coming from the other person, such as socials, and information directed solely at myself, such as tells. I don't want to see "from across the realms, Relo gives InsertNameHere a giant wedgie". It would seem to detract from role playing. Besides, I already get enough tells and socials destined for people with my same first letter. Now you would send me socials from everyone in the realms who tried to smile at a mouse.
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