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Scavenger hunt!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:15 pm
by ducci
***MAJOR UPDATE: Well, this quest just hasn't seemed to capture the public imagination...:evil: My confidence in the nerd cred of our playerbase has been sorely shaken. As a result, the list has been shortened to the more intuitive items, the items from Yama and SF, the items that people have already found, and the stuff you can figure out and get without leaving Calathar.

Here's the new list:

spell_weapons that cast intellect fortress and awe
make a cool post on this forum
an item with Sharon Stone in the description
a tip from Oakley
armor imbued with sidhe magic
something that will make me laugh
two different detect hidden pills
an opal ring
the limb of a usurper
two different magic items that cast weaken
tell me the name of the mob I dropped off at the "House of Pancakes"


I will still reward you personally for stuff on the original list.

P.S. Since it's a point thing and not many ppl are playing, you can probably get a nice prize by just making a cool post on the forum.

P.P.S. EB has a comfortable lead at the moment.


Hey guys! I'm holding a scavenger(ish) quest for a bunch of obscure items.
It's open 2 any mortal. The clues won't be the normal, specific kind, tho.
They're mostly based on trivial information in the items' identify screen,
long description, or extra descriptions--minus some exceptions, of course.
Ideally you'll have to search long and hard for most of these, just like a
quest IRL. :D This means the quest will probably last for a while. After
the first adventurer completes the list, everyone else will have two weeks
to finish up. There will also be a reasonable deadline if no one finishes
and things start to go stale.

Now down to brass tacks: hand in the items to me, and I'll check you off
the list. I'm usually on in the evening, and I'll try to be here each MUD
night. (If we seriously can't seem to connect, PM me on the forum and we
can set a time.) All skills/spells are allowed, but I don't think they
will help. I plan to base scoring in part on the apparent difficulty of
each clue. Some clues can be satisfied by multiple items. I might award
partial credit for items I didn't have in mind but still partially fit the
clue. Remember that many of the items have short descriptions that DON'T
suggest that they'll fit the clue.

Anyway, I hope this quest spurs some fun exploring, exposes you to weird
items and ancient typos, and stimulates some creativity. Big ups to EB
for sponsoring--we all know he'll come up with some cool prizes. Also, I might
supplement his stuff by handing out complete heal pills like they were candy. >:D

Here are the things I want to be handed: a glowing ember of wood, an item
with Sharon Stone in the description, a tip from Oakley, two items with age
effects that cancel out, the limb of a usurper, armor made from tropical
bird plumage, an opal ring, two different magic items that cast weaken (no
spell_weapons plz), two different detect hidden pills, a lvl 20 enchant
weapon scroll, a container of root beer, a ring of type "furniture," a
weapon that hums to itself (get it?), the limb of a mob with a repeated
name (e.g. "arm of ducci-ducci"), spell_weapons that cast intellect fortress and
awe, the limb of a panicked mob, a weapon marked "made in Guam," armor im-
bued with sidhe magic, and something that will make me laugh.

Note: You have some leeway with that last one--the irony or silliness can be
in the item's stats or descriptions. A typo as bad as the "plumage" one is a
good bet. Also, when I say "armor" I mean items of type "armor." I know for
a fact that the quest can be easily done in the low 40s. One or two items
might be a little tough for ppl in the upper 30s, but are certainly doable
with perseverance. I will kill mobs (within reason) for lower lvls. There is
one clue each from Yama and SF. These are freebies for EB and Brod, but hey..

Things that don't have to be handed in but add to your point total: #1 Tell me the name of the mob I dropped off at the house of pancakes. #2 Make a cool post on this forum. (Mark it with an asterisk in the title.) You guys can get pretty devious with number 1 or you can show what a great sport you are...which will get you moar points?? Speaking of moar pts, number 2 and the item that makes me laugh are graded on merit not completion, so put some thought into it. Good luck, guys!

PPS the cool post can link to content not created by you ;)

EDIT: To clarify, the mob with a repeated name that inspired the clue was actually due to a typo. The area designer was apparently trying to list keywords for the mob and ended up giving it a name like Ducci Ducci. I'll take a limb from any mob with a name like that, though--typo or not.

UPDATED CLUE: The spell-weapons clue has been updated from awe and dispel magic to AWE and INTELLECT FORTRESS. This should make things a little easier.

NOTE: When the mud restarts (like it did yesterday), the mob I dropped off at the House of Pancakes goes back home. I have to manually bring him back, so if the mud has restarted just recently, don't expect to find him there right away. ;)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:33 pm
by ducci
lol and i can't count

that message up there was supposed to fit into two notes :roll:

i'm just posting the link in the note....

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:20 pm
by ducci


Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:38 pm
by ducci
P.S. I was on vacation for the past week without internet access; if you have stuff to turn in I'll be available from now on.

Re: Scavenger hunt!

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:14 am
by ducci
Wilder has expressed some interest in this scavenger hunt, so I’m rebooting it. I’ve forgotten what most of these items were, so I will be just as surprised as him when he finds them.

Hopefully EB will donate a prize. Otherwise the reward will be a ton of gold.

Re: Scavenger hunt!

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 12:46 pm
by ducci
Wilder’s finds marked with asterisk

*spell_weapons that cast intellect fortress and awe
make a cool post on this forum
an item with Sharon Stone in the description
a tip from Oakley
armor imbued with sidhe magic
*something that will make me laugh
*two different detect hidden pills
*an opal ring
*the limb of a usurper
*two different magic items that cast weaken
tell me the name of the mob I dropped off at the "House of Pancakes"

a glowing ember of wood
*two items with age effects that cancel out
*armor made from tropical bird plumage
*a lvl 20 enchant weapon scroll
*a container of root beer
a ring of type "furniture"
*a weapon that hums to itself (get it?)
the limb of a mob with a repeated name (e.g. "arm of ducci-ducci)
*the limb of a panicked mob
a weapon marked "made in Guam"

Re: Scavenger hunt!

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 2:37 pm
by Wilder
Came on to post about my findings so far, but Ducci beat me to it!

I have some additional items to turn in:

*armor made from tropical bird plummage
*level 20 enchant weapon scroll
*two different detect hidden pills
*two items with age effects that cancel out

Otherwise, still on the hunt!

Re: Scavenger hunt!

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:05 am
by ducci
added Wilder's spell weapons

Re: Scavenger hunt!

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 11:33 pm
by ducci
Wilder found some root beer, so excluding the forum post and the tip from Oakley, which aren't really applicable anymore, he's at 12/19 items.

Re: Scavenger hunt!

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 7:39 pm
by Wilder
I've pretty much hit a wall and could use some hints toward anything remaining.

Re: Scavenger hunt!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:43 pm
by ducci
the sharon stone item is in Calathar

the Guam item is in Solace

the glowing ember of wood is in little haven

trying to think of the others

Re: Scavenger hunt!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:50 pm
by Wolfman
The mob at the "House of Pancakes" sadly had to leave during a reboot and doesn't know how to get back on.
So I put a little something in there instead as a placeholder. :)

It's in a Tower area.