Relo's Quest

This room is filled with cases containing numerous trophies that others have won in quests. Many quests have been run from here so that everyone can easily get here from recall and know where to meet. With any luck, you will get a trophy with your name in one of the cases as well.
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Relo's Quest

Post by Relo »

The new year is coming, so I decided to do a little fun quest of my own. I'll just talk about it a little now, but won't give out the specifics. It'll be a clue quest; one clue leads to the next and so on. These clues will be leading to mobiles around the realm, some are aggressive and some aren't.

Now that I told you a little about the quest, you could go explore some areas you have/haven't been to before and take some notes. I hope everyone will participate and have fun with this quest.

P.S. If you have any questions, send me a note or email me at:

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Post by Relo »

For so long, I have been searching for it, so long... and now, it has
finally revealed itself to the players of the Realms. How dare the
mobiles of this world hide it from us, just because they didn't want
us to have its' power! Though at last, we have a chance to grab its'
power once and for all. The only way to get to the treasure, is by
finding the mobs who have been hiding the secrets for their entire
lives. Please, I need as many people to contribute to this quest. However
far you get, no matter how hard you've tried, you will get an award.
Once the quest is over, just contact me about what mobs had any clues,
and whatever area they were at. I need these clues in order, since it'll
be easier for me. One thing that you cannot do, is to use locate object,
teleport, summon, astral, and track; the mobs know when you cast these
spells, and will never give you the answer. They will know where you are,
and find you and KILL YOU! Only mortals can help me in this quest; the
heroes will just ruin everything for me. Be careful brave warrior, the
path you will take will be hard indeed, so I suggest sneaking most of
the time. If you do want the prize to yourself, that means you shouldn't
share information....actually, I won't allow you to do that. If I find
out you're doing this, you'll be in big trouble. Have fun and good luck!

P.S. I will be posting this on the forums. The clues will be on signs
in the same room, or in the vacinity. Some mobs may be invis although
most will not. If the mob is protected, the clue may be on it's description,
so look at the mobs too! If I catch you cheating in any way, you will be
disqualified immediately. If you have any questions, please email me or
send me a note. Remember, have fun and try your best.

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